First some memery:
Create your own visitor map! Probably not so many visitors I suspect. I am read by an elite few....yeah, that's the ticket.
I broke down and bought some stuff in a fit of angsty-shopping, including:
- soundtracks to Jesus Christ Superstar, Evita, Order of the Phoenix, and my favorite find,
Last Exile for cheap. I bulked at buying settlers of catan ($30) + City and Knights ($30) again, but after the prospect of board games being floated around last night because of lack of people, I'd like to be armed and ready. I also picked up a copy of Thud! by TPratchett, Paldin of Souls by Bujold, and Highflyer by Howatch. We managed to get to the bookstore and then not buy the Traviss book because we are stupid people. (read: I-thought-you-bought-it exchange) I am now tempted to run out today and get it, along with maybe a copy of Galaxy Quest and I don't know...more stuff?