After all of my years on this site I'm definitely finding that I have to learn how to use it all over again. It's frustrating. I've spent an hour trying to figure out how to post a picture (that kept refusing to turn right side up), and then I typed out an entire post that deleted the text as soon as I published it. Grrr. So I'm trying again. I'm crossing my fingers that it sticks this time!
After all of my years of living in Texas, the land of perpetual summer, it's always shocking to me how quickly the summer ends here in the Pacific Northwest. We get a handful of beautiful days and then all of a sudden one day the grey and gloom settles back in. I don't mind that kind of weather so much, as long as it isn't TOO cold, but it does provide the perfect opportunity to use our lovely gas fireplace. I do love having a wood burning fireplace but this is the one that was here when we moved in, and I will admit that I like the convenience of just flipping a switch to turn it on, and absolutely no cleanup. And it does a wonderful job of keeping the entire house cozy and warm, upstairs and down.
Now if only I didn't have to leave the warmth in order to go to work in a couple of hours!