(no subject)

Oct 23, 2008 11:06

Six months ago a good friend stopped talking to me.  I blogged about this quite a few months ago, about me trying to talk to her and she had turned her back on me. I couldn't figure out why really, but had some hunches on why. Over the past few months I noticed other ppl on a different shift being rude to me and some things got back to me about a month ago that one guy, whom I got along with when he worked days, had applied for the teamleader position. He told one of the other teamleaders that he applied to keep me from getting the position. They hate me that much to try and sabatoge me moving forward in this job. I was really hurt to hear that,  but I know that they started to behaving that way  when the one girl moved from days to the other shift. This is the same girl I know that caused the trouble between me and the girl who stopped talking to me, because they were on the same walk a thon team just before this all happened and they were talking secretly alot.

My first hunch on why that girl stopped talking to me was that I was nice to the girl she was  trying to get fired. I essentially gave her advice on how to avoid the trouble, like watch your attitude, don't just stand around when there is work to be done, don't lie and stuff like that. She was trying after I talked to her but it just continued the nit picking and just generally trying to get her fired. Poor girl eventually just left back for home giving work no notice what so ever, and I didn't blame her.  There was one time when we went out for drinks after work and the girl that started all the problems was thereI'll refer to her as neanderthal. All the other girl said to me that night was thanks for talking with me I feel alot better now. I do believe that the neandertal was the one that went back to girll that stopped talking to me told her I ratted her out.

About  a month ago I was approached by one of the teamleaders regarding the social committee that me and girl that stopped talking to me are on. I finally came out and said that I wasn't sure that I was even on the committee any more. She asked why and I wasn't sure if I should say, but I eventually said why.I did recruit another girl for the social committee because I think she would be perfect but I didn't have access to any of the stuff in the locker because the other girl had the key and she convienently kept forgetting it.  I think that that teamleader has been trying to get us back together, ever since I told her my hunches. So for the past week we have been actually doing some social committee stuff, and she still wasn't talking all that much to me. We are currently raising money with a 50/50 draw and we had to go and walk to one of the other labs to sell tickets.

During that walk, she started to talk to me a bit. Bringing up that she feels tension from the other girl that I recruited. I personally haven't seen it myself. Then she asks if we are good, I honestly said I wasn't sure. Then she proceeded to tell me that she stopped talking to me because she heard that I was the one that told the girl she was trying to get fired that it was her doing what she was doing. I told her that she already knew before I talked to her and what I really said, the advice I gave her. She still didn't say sorry for her behavior all she said was that is in the past now.

Personally I feel that she shouldn't be on the social committee because of what she did. Social committee is put together to help make the lab a happier place to be .Someone that purposefully tried to get someone fired because they didn't like her isn't one that should be running the committee. That's my opinion anyways. It is nice to actually find out what was really behind all that behavior, and that I was right all along.
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