May 23, 2001 16:18
Well, I have had a complaint from a certain friend(you know who you are) that I need to catch up on my journal entries since I have done one since last Friday.
I don't real know where to start though. On Friday I went out to the movies and saw Shrek. It was an awesome movie and I recommend anyone to see it. It was so hilarious!! I loved it!! After the movies, a group of us went out to get some coffee and to hang out, didn't get home until 2:30 am. It was a fun night out. On Saturday night I went out with a friend and we met up with a few other friends at Acapulco's in Santa Barbara. My friend and I were going to go see another movie but the others we were with invited us to go bowling with them, so that is what we did instead.
But on a more interesting note, there is a guy that I hang out with now that is friends with a guy that I have had a crush on for the longest time. Anyways, I seem to have developed a crush on this other guy(we'll just call him "Talon"). But as I think about it more, it turns out I really just enjoy flirting with him, and him flirting back...and it made me feel like I had a crush on him when that really wasn't the case after all.
I'm sure that this might seem bad to a person who is just looking in from the outside reading my journal and can see that I talked about having a boyfriend and all that other stuff...and I times(quite a bit actual) I confuse the hell out of myself also. I just don't want to seem like a lousy girlfriend or person. But unless you are my friend or someone I care about I really don't care what someone thinks about me anyways..
So to the person that wanted me to catch up(Banana) here is what you wanted..(I really needed to catch up thanks for getting me motivated
Till next time......