Since July I've been dealing with a good deal of pain in my left side near my hip. The doctor said it must be a torn muscle and that ibuprofen and heat were the best things for it. I was feeling better for about a month and then I went to a wedding, couldn't resist getting my groove on, and re-injured my side. Ugh. I feel like such an old lady with this pain. I decided that daily stretching could be really helpful for my pain and may even help me feel healthier and more relaxed. So about thirty minutes ago I googled "hip and back stretches" to find a few basics stretches to start. The first link I clicked on took me to
this website. OMG - best (and worst!) stretching demo picture ever! How can I stretch if I can't stop laughing?! Haha! I guess I can't judge his stretching attire if this basic move makes my back feel better. We'll see.