Week 2 of first semester (I think)

Feb 05, 2007 02:32

   Well the second week of classes have just passed and I gotta admit that things could of been a whole lot better. I disrupted my history class with just a few comments jokes really here and there but to tell you the truth I haven't done that in years more specifically since high school. I guess I'm just a little nervous but the truth of it is I miss my home in D.C.
     I miss my house, my room, my sister, my mother, my friends, the guys I go out with, and everything else. I miss D.C. like crazy in fact whenever I go to sleep here in Austin I always envision myself waking up once again in my house in D.C. listening to my mom watching the news while making her coffee and breakfast smoothie. Its not like I don't like it here in Austin its just well I love D.C. its my home. I feel like I belong there like I'm in tune with everything around me the atmosphere, the social norms, the expectations even the way men and women are. Its funny how in D.C. I'm able to attract guys like flies because of my vast knowledge, my classy way of dressing and especially my spunkiness where as here in Austin it freaks people out particularly guys but then again who really knows what guys here in Texas find attractive in women. Its not like I don't have ANY admirers here there's this one guy in WT class whom I talk to a regular basis heck I even made this somber looking guy laugh and there's another one in my history class whom seems to find me interesting both are attractive by the way. Then there's Doug* a guy I met at CompUSA it was actually amazing how the thing unfolded for it was while I was waiting in line to have someone look at my computer that I first saw him. He was talking to someone probably a customer and I was staring a bit because I thought he was attractive then all of sudden he walks right up to me and asks if I'm the new "techie": person who fixs computers but I wasn't but after that he and I started talking. Well more like he, I, the customer in front of me, and the guy whom was helping me with my computer started talking but later on that night when I went out with my friends at CLE and I was waiting for them at the coffee shop when he and I  bumped into each other again. We started talking, exchanged numbers the whole flirting routine but don't expect anything too serious to develop because he has a GF (girlfriend) a live-in one (whom lives with him) but it was funny how I found about her because she called during our conversation hell the fact that he admitted he had a GF while he was talking to another girl namely me was suprising enough. I could tell he expected me to go "hell hath no fury" or Teri Hatcher from Desperate Housewives but I did neither seeing as I'm not like that and I did call him two nights afterwards. He was suprised to say the least because he thought I wouldn't call him after that but hey I liked talking to him and the way I see it as long as I know about her I can keep myself and my hormones in check after all my number one rule in my dating book is I do not steal other people's boyfriends so he and I more BGFs then anything (best guy & girl friends) but I admitt that we do flirt a bit like once when we were talking on the phone he was complaining about his GF and him fighting and I say, "well you know what they say 'all loving couples fight' besides I'm sure we can both agree that there's nothing better then make-up sex (having sex right after making up after a fight)" He laughed and did agree with me I even confessed to him that my younger sister was concived in make-up sex (at this he laughed even louder). How do I know this you ask? Lets just say that my father is way too indulging when it comes to sharing stories ironic since he works for the government but it was as we were swimming in the pool at the Ritz Carlton in Bali that Dad said that once when I was little we that is my mom, dad and me were on vacation when my dad accidentally broke my arm while we were playing in the pool but even I got fixed up right after that my mom was angry at my father for the whole thing but later when they were alone Dad tried talking to Mom to make her forgive him for hurting me because in reality it was a total accident and even though Mom was extremely upset she could tell however as they were making up they...sorry but I can't continue for fearing of me having the urge to plunge my head into a barrell of acid. Still it made Doug feel better even though it made me want to bake myself alive.
When I was growing up my parents were always dragging me and my sister around the world in fact I was even born overseas on a business trip in Manchester, England. Mom often tells the story of how she was eight months pregnant with me in Mali and kept insisting to both my father and her bosses that she be allowed to go to the U.K. to give birth to me because no way in hell was she giving birth to her first kid in a hospital in Africa. So my mom's boss arranged for my mom to be a representative for them on a business trip to the U.K. which Mom went with my father and after taking care of that went to her hometown in Manchester and there I was born. In fact this one time when me and my folks were moving again some random woman came up to me (according to my mom ‘because I was so cute’) and asked “where do you live little girl?” and said without skipping a beat, “I live in an airport!” Both Mom and Dad say that at that point they didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. However when I first came to Bethesda, MD actually it was more like second time but I was very young my first time there so I really didn’t remember but anyway although it wasn’t easy for me fitting in seeing as the third world countries that I lived in on a regular basis were very different from the U.S. I still remember the feeling I got from it. The feeling of belonging, the sense of peacefulness, the serenity of the surroundings but most the feeling that from now this would be the only place I would ever call home.
           I know its sounds crazy but being in Bethesda it just felt so right in comparison to the other places I’ve been. Most people ask me if I’m gonna be a Foreign Service worker too its kind of a family profession really from my father’s side my grandfather worked on Foreign Service policies, my father’s an economist, and my cousin Justin has moved from his home in CA to live and work in D.C. doing God-knows-what. Its funny though whenever I ask him what he’s working he does the oh-so-predictable “I’d tell you but then I’d have to kill you” thing but my God does he really think I care what he’s working on or that I don’t know already. Hell my parents have been in the Foreign Service for over 40 years and after all that time you’d think that either I‘d learn to interpret the things they say to each other when they discuss work or not to care one damn bit which in reality I don’t not because I don’t believe in the issues they’re working on but only because I really can’t do anything about it. However, living overseas does give an interesting perspective on life and stuff like how here the education we get, the food we eat, our choices in careers, hell even our government are in reality privileges not rights . In other countries the government or country or religious groups can make choices about not letting different kinds of people getting education or food and always make their choices for them. The freedom we have on a regular basis is something these people can only dream of but besides all that we as a country and a nation serve a much more monumental purpose on a global scale then anything else. Translation: every single person in this country is different whether its skin, religion, money or anything else but in spite of that we still manage to function well with one another and are one of the greatest world powers of them and in retrospect Africa or the Middle East are exactly the same way different in skin, religion, and money and yet they don’t get along and have hardly any power at all so we, the blood sucking manipulative greedy power grasping United States, serve as an example of what can really be accomplished by setting aside your differences.
     But once again I’m getting off topic but there’s really not much else to tell. I think I’ve been making a few friends in my classes except well…I think…they are little freaked out about how I know so much stuff but what else do you expect from an East Coast girl living in a hick town? It makes you wonder why I moved here well I already know the answer to that see in the United States there are so far three different CLE’s one in Denver, another in Florida, and one in Texas where I am (rumor has it there’s gonna be a new one opening in California as well) and I figure since I already come from a cold place and absolutely despise the cold Denver clearly is out since its in Colorado and as for Florida well Mom was pushing me to go there instead but to put it as gently as I can I want to get my diploma (which I just got two months go yay me!) but under no circumstance and I mean no possible circumstance will I ever and I mean ever move to Florida and live there on a regular basis! I will visit Florida, I will party in Florida, I might even get bent in Florida but I will never I repeat never live in Florida!
     I’m not discriminating against Florida because I really have no reason to but despite what you may think and I beg your pardon people who already live in Florida or come from there I do not want to live there and I never will. Mom was shocked that I was so set against it and I don’t blame her actually but in the long run it doesn’t matter because I’m already here in Texas starting to get my college education. But I am worried you know because when I went to Mont. College I failed all my classes miserably but I just gotta pass theses classes and stay for two years one at the very least because I need to get the required credits so I can transfer back to the East Coast. Who knows I might even go to Bridgewater? Oh I hope so I really wanted to go to that college ever since I first visited there I even got in when I first applied but well…you know things changed. My father called me last night and I had a great time talking to him, we even discussed the possibility of me transferring from ACC (Austin Community College) to Bridgewater of which he is all for.
     I miss him so much like crazy really in fact there are times when I’m walking down the street and see fathers with their little girls that I’m suddenly so overwhelmed by the emotions and tenderness they share that for one brief moment I wish I was a kid again just so I could experience those things again with my Dad. I called my Mom also that night and it was funny how when I called her she told that she was thinking of calling me at the very same time I did. It often happens between us, Mom and me, happening upon the same thought and emotion at the very same time its like we’re kindred spirits but it stands to reason since I’m her eldest daughter. A couple of examples of this relationship were once during the summer before my senior year my father was going through chemo (lymphoma) and seeing as how I had gotten tired of not being able to do anything with my long hair I decided to chop it all off and donate it to locks of love. Needless to say my family was shocked even a bit angry because I had done this once before and made a huge fuss over it driving my family crazy however the moment I got my hair cut short I decided right then and there not to re-grow it because I wanted this to be the style that I keep for the rest of my life. How is this similar to my mother? Simple really Mom had had long hair once but after a while decided to cut it short and ever since then she’s kept it that way just like me and for the very same reasons too because its easier to keep , less of a hassle, and we both hate ponytails! Second and last example often when I have a headache or feel bit low I always tell my mother and every time I do my mother seems to be feeling the same way you know having a headache or feeling depressed at the very same time that I am.
    But enough of that because I’ve got great news ‘Bones’ has a new episode next week and they are finally going to introduce a new character to the show a.k.a a love interest for Dr. Brennan! See in the last episode one of the very famous serial killers that Booth and Brennan managed to bag escapes and goes after Dr. Brennan and her friends not to mention Booth’s son Parker! Everything turns alright in the end Ebbs (the killer) being ambushed by Brennan and Booth as he breaks in to her apartment for it seems he was hiding in the newly renovated apartment next to Dr. Brennan’s and using the plaster and stuff to make poison and bombs. Dr. Brennan figured it out of course damn that woman is good! The trap is so obvious too I mean Dr. Brennan just “happens” to be in the shower at the moment he breaks in dear God not even Ted Bundy could be that lucky but ts actually kind of interesting in how it ends. Booth and Brennan are facing off with Ebbs, why I don’t know because for crying out loud they have guns and he has a crowbar, saying a few snappy quips like Dr. Brennan telling him how she figured out where Ebbs was: “I guess you’re not as smart as you think” oh snap! Ebbs then retorting, “all I wanted was one minute alone…with her.” Not on your life dude because she is Booth’s woman. He doesn’t get arrested though rather he jumps off the balcony after threatening to go after Booth’s kid again but in the next episode Booth goes to see a psychologist after shooting a figurine of a clown off an ice cream truck and Brennan gets a new “temporary” partner whom ends up flirting with her. Oh I just cannot wait until Booth sees another guy flirting with his beloved “Bones” hell I wouldn’t be surprised if he shoots him well actually I would since that’s why he needed therapy in the first place. Oh I can’t wait seeing as how in the last episode Brennan saw how close Booth is to Cam when she gets poisoned by Ebbs but its really non-too shocking to her that is since she already knows that they’re sleeping together.


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