Banned from a coffee shop? You have to be fucking kidding me.

Nov 06, 2005 18:54

So I'm starting to believe that there are actually crazy people out there.
Ya you see the old man on the street talking to himself. But hey at least he's having a good conversation. Which is more then I can say about myself.
Or the women you see who's wearing four jackets and is dancing around in the street.
Sure those are your classic definition of crazy.
But the crazy people I'm talking about are the ones you see everyday. The ones that spend so much time obsessing about certain things that it begins to be a constant thought in their head.
They decided they have found the perfect way to destroy everyone around them, and in the end they will feel complete.
Well for those crazy mother fuckers all I can do.
Is sit here and laugh.
Laugh so hard that my sides start to hurt.
If you were standing in front of me and I would point and laugh.
"Yes mom I know pointing is rude, but look how crazy he is."
Do you not realize how retarded and mental you have become?
You have let something become so constant in your life that you have forgotten everything.
You forgot that life is short and that I would love to be in your history.
Fuck please put me in your past and forget about me, forget I ever existed.
Maybe then you wouldn't be so crazy. Well no lets be realistic you will always be fucked up. Sure you will put me away in a closet, but you will only find someone to put in my place.
Most likely your newest X girlfriend.
poor her.


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