Oh, Care Center, this is not a healthy relationship for me…

Dec 16, 2010 13:26

First off, to anyone reading and thinking “Aww, shit.” - Grandma is fine.

But Care Center, I’m fairly certain you’re stalking me and choose to only call when I am moderately relaxed, thus undoing said relaxation. You called when I was in Vegas. I take a sick day today, I’m strolling through the market for some awesome comfort food and feeling rather cheery about the snow and the dreaded “Unavailable” pops up on my caller ID.

First, there is no “good time” to talk to you. Ever. I appreciate the politeness, but really, whenever you call, it is a suck time. So, you’ll have to pardon my lack of chipperness on the phone. Also - stop saying, “We just want to do whatever it takes to make you happy.” My happiness is not the issue here, and there is nothing about the situation where the word “happy” could POSSIBLY be used. Do what ever you need to do to keep my grandmother safe and relatively healthy and moderately non-hateful, and we’ll be good.

Second, I really thought that I had made it abundantly clear over the past 4 months that I do not make snap decisions regarding my grandmother’s health and well being, unless it is an emergency. Thus, the best you got today was, “My gut says it’s a bad idea and we’ll discuss [your completely asinine, and frankly STUPID proposal] further next week when I am in town.”

(Said proposal being they think she “might like it more” in a different wing that has more permanent residents. Yeah, let’s take the dementia patient who has FINALLY gotten settled into her room, knows the staff that works on that wing and MOVE HER.)

You can also bet I will be talking with every single nurse and CNA if she is REALLY having issues with the fact that some of the residents in her wing are non-permanent, or if you just want to get all the permanent folks in one place. If that’s the case - it sucks to be you. If it’s a level of care issue, don’t couch it with pansy-assed phrases like “she might like it better” - SAY SO. If it’s the fact that she’s been a little cranky lately - well, congratulations - now you’re finally meeting the woman I’ve known for 38 years. You can’t say I didn’t warn you on that one.

For the money she is shelling out, your floor plan issues are not my problem. Hell, for the money she is shelling out, there should be complimentary hookers and blow every night.

Originally posted at CafeChatNoir.net.
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