# Do you like your handwriting?
It’s not great by any means, but I do like my handwriting. It might take a second look to read some words, but it’s not as bad as a doc’s prescription.
# Do you prefer to print or write in cursive?
No actual preference, as I will switch between printing and cursive at will. (And yet didn’t realize it until my brother pointed it out to me just the other night.)
# Do you think handwriting should be graded in school?
HELLS Yes. Not necessarily “great cursive” (which we *were* graded on) but being able to write something that others could read at a later date.
# Do you prefer writing in pencil or pen?
Pen! Not that I do the NYT crossword in pen or anything like that, but I do prefer pen to pencil for writing, as pens go faster across the page than pencils do.
# When you write in ink, do you prefer a neutral color such as black or blue, or a fun color like purple or green?
I don’t know why, but I HATE blue ink. Black, pink, purple, green - it’s all good. Blue I will only use when there is no alternative. (I never said I was normal.)
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