Смешно иностранцы пишут о маршрутках.

Oct 29, 2010 13:15

By Marshrutka
Marshrutka is a Jitney-like mode of transport that falls between private
transport and conventional buses. The role of the modern Russian
marshrutka is basically similar to the minibus in other countries. It is
similar to German Sammeltaxis, Mexican Peseros and American dollar vans.
Trip costs can be different, depending on marshrutka line. Usually one
trip costs 25 rubles ($0.84). You give money to the driver just having
entered the minibus. If you need to take it off, you have to cry:
"Остановите здесь!" (Ostanovite zdes, means "Stop here!"). You should
shout it as loudly as it is possible, because the motor roar and the music
sounding from the driver?s audio system muffle the passengers' voices.
Sometimes the marsrutkers hang out an inscription: "Тише скажешь ? дальше
выйдешь", meaning the more silently you cry, the further you leave the
Marshrutka. You should cry it in Russian, because none of the
Marshrutka-drivers speak any other language and even Russian they speak
very bad.
Unlike the buses, the marshrutkas goes much faster. As faster, as it
sometimes becomes dangerous.

отсюда: http://wikitravel.org/en/Moscow
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