If you're bored~

May 08, 2009 20:43

I has new meme. Please fill it in k?

01. Name:
02. Birthday:
03. Place of residence:
04. What makes you happy:
05. What are you listening to now/have listened to last:
06. Do you read my lj:
07. If you do, what is particularly good/bad about it:
08. An interesting fact about you:
09. Are you in love or do you have a crush at the moment:
10. Favourite ( Read more... )


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Comments 5

magick_mel May 8 2009, 19:21:59 UTC
01. Name: Melissa aka Mel or Melly
02. Birthday: 10/11
03. Place of residence: Preston.
04. What makes you happy: music and loads of other things.
05. What are you listening to now/have listened to last: the last thing was Aurora.
06. Do you read my lj: Yes.
07. If you do, what is particularly good/bad about it: all of it is good.
08. An interesting fact about you: erm.... i said i don't know alot
09. Are you in love or do you have a crush at the moment: nope. :/
10. Favourite place to be: Home.
11. Favourite lyrics: i don't have one right now.
12. Best time of the year: autum or winter
13. Weirdest food you like: uhh, i once ate salad cream and crips sandwiches
14. Do farts make you laugh: yeah and people falling up the stairs

01. A film: ?????
02. A book: Coraline - Neil Gaiman
03. A band, a song and an album: Metric

01. One thing you like about me: you like or love paramore!!
02. Two things you like about yourself: ?????
03. Put this in your lj so I can tell you what I think of you: i might do later.


0osk May 8 2009, 21:31:09 UTC
YOU ( ... )


herstory519 May 8 2009, 22:27:03 UTC
01. Name: Adriana
02. Birthday: 05/14/91 [woop woop!]
03. Place of residence: Rhode Island [eww..]
04. What makes you happy: My iPod, grape soda, concerts, and my buds<3
05. What are you listening to now/have listened to last: Do I Look Like a Slut? - Avenue D [lmao!]
06. Do you read my lj: Just added you, but yeah I did :]
07. If you do, what is particularly good/bad about it: I love your layout, super cute<3 ( ... )


amyalivee May 9 2009, 15:42:09 UTC
YOU ( ... )


graveyardgrin May 15 2009, 12:02:42 UTC
01. Name: chloe
02. Birthday: 22 september
03. Place of residence: singapore
04. What makes you happy: manga! music! pretty boys! food! (dies I am so shallow)
05. What are you listening to now/have listened to last: super junior's Its You
06. Do you read my lj: ...yes! when I come online ^^;
07. If you do, what is particularly good/bad about it: I like the anime/manga talk 8)
08. An interesting fact about you: I used to like eating steamed fish eyeballs
09. Are you in love or do you have a crush at the moment: nope~
10. Favourite place to be: home. mostly
11. Favourite lyrics: oh this is hard :\ um. *needs time to think*
12. Best time of the year: holidays \o/
13. Weirdest food you like: hm. is liking asparagus weird? (only like the top, though)
14. Do farts make you laugh: not really..?

01. A film: The Classic! its a korean movie, and its really really sweet.
02. A book: Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman by Haruki Murakami. (and I second Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close03. A band, a song and an album: if you don't ( ... )


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