May 19, 2007 18:40
I can't wait to see Pirates 3. Movie marathon on Sunday, but I already want to see it on Thursday midnight. Calm, self, calm.
Before I knew it, I got really into this trilogy.
Haven't seen anything so good for a long time, I've already read so much about it too. Bought Pirates 1 the other day, totally amazed. I saw Pirates 2 first, but Pirates 1 is still very impressive.
So my mind went off track from Advent Children, and it's all over Pirates of the Caribbean. Screw Spiderman 3, if I'm going to see a movie in theatre the second time this year, it's definitely World's End.
There is a World's End in Scottland, how many times do I need to tell people, they look at me weird, as if I'm a Pirates movie psycho. It's just a cliff offshore, but it gained itself the name of World's End. I found that out in a Chinese movie called World's End.
I read a little about Davy Jones, he speaks with a Scottish accent too, why can't there really be a World's End in the movie. Last year when I went to see Pirates 2 with Dad, he thought Chow Yun Fat was in 2, but it turned out that he's playing Sao Feng in Pirates 3.
I like battleships, spaceships, of course pirate ships. Hearing familiar terms make my blood run hotter. I just love battles at sea. Don't they say being a pirate is everyone's dream when s/he's nine?
There're a few good movies out for the summer, Pirates 3 is a good start. Desktop background changed. Let's all start counting down now.
I'm so fond of Captain Jack Sparrow, when I see him I feel like a young child, but I see him as a man too. <3 Feeling doki doki when he stares straight out on my wallpaper. I'm gonna go get the posters tomorrow for my room (even though I'm moving out in a week or so).