Cons, heroes, & the Czechs

Feb 21, 2012 23:22

I've been rather quiet lately, so here's the recent goings-ons:
  • Not only am I going to visit one of my best buds over spring break, we're going to the Emerald City ComicCon AND the screening of Back to the Future hosted by Christopher Lloyd. That should be all kinds of rad! Funny too, when she sent me the link to the con I thought "An Oz comic-con? What the..." and then I wised up. Although, a con about CONS would be a laugh!

  • Read "Hero" by Perry Moore. That my friends, was a blast to read. If I wasn't a person of wills, I would have stayed up all night (like my friend who recced it to me) just to finish it. I loved the story, which is about Thom Creed, the son of a disgraced masked crime fighter, who has to come to terms with not only finding out he has superpowers, but that he's gay, too. I loved all of the characters, their story, and especially the logistics of what it may take to be a superhero in today's world. If you haven't read it, DO IT. But I warn you, you'll probably become obsessed with it like I am, find out that the author died suddenly before he could develop a movie or TV adaptation (let alone a sequel) and then search aimlessly for any sort of fic or fanart on the web. (There's a great story over on AO3! It's the only one you'll find there, which is so fucking tragic I can't even... ugh.) So yeah, "Hero." GOOD STUFF. Read it so you can write some fic to entertain me. ;)

  • Finished the episodic part of Farscape finally. Waiting to get The Peacekeeper Wars on Netflix (WHY is it not streaming!?). I really dug the series. It was pretty tight as a whole, continuity-wise and the stories weren't spoon-fed to the audience for the most part. Plus it had a fair share of whackadoodle eps where the characters were animated or stuck in Nintendo-type video games. The shit that Crichton would say... epic. I love the dialoge of the show and the pop-culture references that just oozed from it. If you were looking for an excuse to revisit the series, is doing a rewatch which is sure to be a hoot!

  • Started/finished season 1 & 2 of Sherlock. I liked it, but you won't see any fic coming from me. I love Watson like I would a 3-legged dog, or a teddy bear missing an eye. And Sherlock is all sorts of weaselly fun, but slash? Meh.

  • Thanks to a website in Czechoslovakia I was able to watch the final eps of Deniz/Roman on Alles was zählt. First off, I call bogus on YouTube taking down all AWZ eps. It took ages to find *somewhere* I could watch. Even then, it was a complicated pain. But I had to watch it because--WARNING I'M GOING TO SPOIL BUT YOU SHOULD ALREADY KNOW IF YOU WATCH THE SHOW SINCE THIS HAPPENED MONTHS AGO--well, I had to watch it since Roman dies. I wasn't a huge fan of the show, I watched it in passing and pretty much caught the DeRo highlights. But I kinda loved and hated their final eps. It was incredibly sad and totally made me tear up like whoa. That being said, it felt a little cheap that one day he's fainting on the street and the other he's dead. And if I were his friends I'd be piiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed that no one told me what was going on. But it's over now, so at least I can close the book on that bit of nonsense.

  • Ever get to the point where you feel like you've read all the fic? Yeah... it sucks.

farscape, update, geek, soaps, books

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