May 13, 2006 02:13
will keep u updated with that i hope that is depending on when i get my net hooked up lol. my parents took some of my furniture and stuff today like my vantity and my destk and 2 boxes full of shtuff. i cant wait till i move next week is my last week of work im gonna go live with my parents for a few weeks and visit with all of my aunts and uncles before i leave. im so excited im gonna meet new ppl and experiance new things its gonna so much fun but scary at the same time. i hope i get a decent aptment to live in and for jackie to say in when she visits me when we have days off or the weekend and stuff. ^_^ yay that sounds so nice lol for once we can have a normal relationship its gonna feel so nice ^_^. now all that is left is the whole driving thing that comes in between this and that lol which should be fun :D just like old times yay. neway thats aboot it and its time for my to go to bed late.