
Mar 13, 2004 23:32

So...I have been thinking about some important things lately. What do I really want to do with my life? What does God really want me to do??? Well, the two things I really and ultimately love to do is to act and be creative, I like to act more than being creative, but acting is being creative...does that make sense?? God has given me the talent and desire to perform, and I want to use that talent to honor Him. I am in the theatre because I believe God has called me there. And I realized that the most ministry opportunities I get are by being in rehearsals, and you have to be in a production to get those opportunities, and the most opportunites you get are being in the show as an actress, not any other a technical job. God has given me a completely new and godly perspective on acting, acting isn't for me anymore, its for others, it brings opportunites to share with others. And what better way to learn how to share and build those relationships than by going to beach project?? I need more training in ministry because this is my ministry now. I don't know what God wants me to do after I graduate, but I know what He wants me to do right now, because the future may never come...I mean that as in after graduation...and tomorrow, we aren't promised tomorrow. So--I have been so confused on whether I want to perform or be in the performing business as a technician or business woman...but the only reason I wanted to do all that was to give me backing so I could perform, so ultimately, doing tech isn't really my true desire and it doesn't bring as many opportunities to build relationships in theatre. So, my one prayer is to never take credit for my talent, or get a big head and start getting selfish about it...thinking of how I could do it to glorify myself. I mean, I can't be in theatre if I don't have a desire to do what they do, and I do..."To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak; I have become all things to all men, so that I may by all means save some. I do all things for the sake of the gospel, so that I may become a fellow partaker of it."
1 Cor. 9:22-23 So...I am in theatre as a performer for the sake of the Gospel...and I love to perform. Girls in sororities who are believers love the sorority and doing the things with doesn't mean, the things the sorority does honors God, but they do some of those things to gain opportunities to share the Gospel. So, I guess its all about the motives. I can't be in theatre if I only want to do it to gain glorification for myself, because if I am in for myself I will never care about anyone else, and overlook opportunities to share. Yes, it will cause me to do things out of my comfort zone...but I do have accountability in theatre now...a ministry team. choices to do things is to go where God wants me to share the Gospel...and that's theatre. I just happen to love it too. Isn't God great? He didn't call me into a sorority to share or into the medical world to share because I ultimately don't desire to do that, and I wouldn't enjoy my job, and I wouldn't be able to relate to anyone in those jobs/clubs. So my desire to perform is a way to relate to those in theatre, in order to build relationships with them. And ultimately share the Gospel with them and disciple them if they become believers. Wow--if I didn't go to this job search that God called me to do, I would never have figured all of this out. Through this--God has showed me that He wants me in theatre, and He wants me in it to minister!!! As far as the future goes, I will just go where God calls me to share the Gospel. Yeah---its good to know what God has for you!!! Wow, this was so long, but beneficial to figure it all out by writing it down.
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