I haven't finished it yet, but I somehow managed to play for 28 hours over Friday/Saturday so I've got a good idea of the game as a whole.
- First of all, I'm really surprised at the mainly negative reactions this game is getting all over the internet! I LOVE it, maybe just as much as Origins. Or more, idk. It's more addictive than crack. The battle system is a HUGE improvement over DA: O. I'm playing as a boring-ol' warrior and it's still tons of fun! The game consists of like 80% sidequests, which are always my favourite things in RPGs anyway, but the missions are all much more varied than before. A lot more talking too, which I love.
- There have been sooo many emotional moments in this game, I've cried a couple of times, which I don't think I ever did during the first game. When Bethany got taken away by the Wardens, when Leandra died, when you see Bethany again briefly during the Qunari attack...TEARS, TEARS EVERYWHERE.
- My only real complaint is the lack of different environments. Every cave/mansion is EXACTLY THE SAME. Just lazy, Bioware.
- Hawke is fantastic protaganist, I was a bit worried about the voice acting after playing the demo but I've grown to love FemHawke's voice. I don't know if it's just my game, but she seems to default to 'fabulous smart-ass', I enjoy it.
- I adore all the characters, with the possible exception of Fenris because of his mage hatred and the fact that he NEVER TALKS TO ME. Aveline is so sensible and amazing and I love that her and Hawke are such BFFs. She calls me out on all the daft stuff I do and her party banter with Isabela is the best. Whore/man-hands are like their pet names for each other. Her companion quest where you try to set her up with Donnic is probably the greatest thing I've ever played.
- Isabela, you are my role model, I love you. I went into the game intending to romance her but ended up with Merrill and couldn't go back as the game apparently doesn't let you break up with people. Gameplay-wise, her DPS is amazing. Storyline-wise, she's such a lol and has great banter with everyone. My heart broke when she ran off with the Qunari relic, but I had the HUGEST smile on my face when she reappeared with it when you face the Arishok. "This is your damn influence, Hawke!" She's a good person, even if she doesn't like to admit it.
- Varric is my bro, his comments on everything are hilarious. I cracked up when he did an impression of an Orlesian woman during a quest I was doing the other day "Oh no, ze 'Anged Man eez so dangerous!" He's one suave bamf, and I love how he acts like a protective big brother to Merrill. Varric/Bianca OTP for life.
- Merrill is so adorable, I can't handle it, omg. When I first saw screenshots of her I thought she'd just be irritatingly cutesy and loli-fanboy-bait, but I LOVE her. She's so cute, awkward and naive and it's hilarious. "Your cat's called Ser Pounce-a-lot? Who knighted him?" Eve Myles' voice helps. The blood magic/demon thing makes me :/ though.
- Anders, I love you really, but you've got to start talking about something other than THE PLIGHT OF MAGES, RAWR. He's a nice, sappy guy and I love when shades of old Anders comes out, like when talking about Set Pounce-a-lot or the Warden. He comes on a little strong though, during our second conversation he asked if there was 'something between us", and I felt so bad turning him down. And stop being such an ass to poor wee Merrill! ;_;
- Fenris... I'm on Act 3 and I still have no clue about him. I feel bad that he was a slave and all, but I'm never going to agree with his stance on mages. He's been so grumpy in his party banter, and I hardly have to use him anyway since my Hawke is a two-handed warrior too
- Sebastian's far too religious and obsessed with the Chantry for my liking, but he's a lovely guy and so pretty. Scottish-accented people represent! I feel like I've hardly had the chance to speak to him too, but I'm not finished all his quests yet so maybe it'll change after that.