Mike Pedicone is a manly man

Mar 27, 2011 22:18

Look at my shiny new default userpic, you guys! spuzz made it. Frank's glorious face is glorious, isn't it? And very shiny.

Anyway. This post isn't about Frank. I know, it's a bit shocking, isn't it?
I want to talk to you about Michael Pedicone for a moment.

My first introduction to Mike Pedicone was through this video:

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Gerard says it better than I will ever do. Mike Pedicone. "You gotta see this guy without his shirt on. Because let me tell you, this is what a man is suppose to look like."
And then half naked Frank proceeds to take Mike's shirt off and the whole world rejoice. (LOL at Frank's inability to take off his own shirt)

I also saw him drum with Bob and it was the most amazing thing ever.

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Gerard is clearly obsessed with Mike and his muscles and so are we.

Let's move on to Mike Pedicone and his time with The Bled. He did this funny video about Sean Paul. He is clearly amazing and destined to be become Frank's BFF.

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Pedicone is confused by Lil Wayne's song, Lollipop.

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Pedicone licking an ice cream cone. Warning: not for the faint of heart or philosiraptors.

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Shirtless Pedicone pretending to be a pimp (around 0.45').

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After these amazing videos, let's have a look at some of Mike's finest moment in picture form.

Mike Pedicone loves his two dogs, Porco and Smokie.

Sometimes, a bit too much.

Biggest camwhore.

His dogs are the most spoiled after Frank's.

Superspoiled dogs are superspoiled.

For Mike Pedicone, playin' them drums is always serious business.

And he's pretty while doing it.

Really pretty.

And super badass.

Or super cute.

Mike Pedicone is a very handsome man whatever he does.

Sometimes, Pedicone likes to walk around in short shorts.



Or even longer short that don't cover much.

Or nothing at all.

He looks good in suspenders.

Very good actually.

Sorry this one is big but I couldn't resist. OT3!

He reads books and wears nerdy glasses.

He loves playing with My Chem.

But it's nothing new. He loved them a long time ago. Especially Frank.

Actually, they've been flirting a lot in twitter.

We appreciate your everything, Mike Pedicone.

To conclude, Mike Pedicone is awesome and people need to write tons of fic about him. Especially of the Frank Iero/Mike Pedicone(/Jamia or Gerard) variety.

Class dismissed.

For more Pedicone, follow fuckyeahmikepedicone on tumblr or his official twitter @shredicone.
You are welcome to share your favorite Mike Pedicone picture/video/tweet/whatever in the comments.

pedicone is a bamf, pretty pictures, video killed the radio stars

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