omg how bored am i

Dec 14, 2004 17:54

i should REALLY be doing my art.

Yes Or No

You keep a diary: just the lj
You like to cook: yeah, but most of the time i burn myself
You exercise regularly: No
You sketch while you are on the phone: sometimes
You have read a book in the past month: more Harry Potter
You replace the toilet-paper roll immediately: depends on how many sheets are left.
You like crossword puzzles: no
You have visited the Eiffel Tower: no
You have a secret you have never shared with anyone: prolly
You wait until the last minute to fill your car with gas: all the time cuz i am one broke mofo.
You have been to your ancestors' homeland: Not yet.
You read in the bathroom: ya
Being sick is a vacation: if its from school, sometimes
You often have people over at your house: No
You like America: Yes, but our government needs to change.
You can remember jokes: Yes
You play cards: sometimes
You fold your underwear: no
You talk in your sleep: lol sometimes...apparently i snore too
You eat fast: all the time
You recycle small batteries: no wtf who does that
You often avoid paying full price: i try
You like hiking: No
You like being on the phone: sort of...slowly but surely i am becoming a phone person
You shave regularly: not really...tarryn likes the pirate hair
You set your watch a few minutes ahead: no watch...bracelets only
You are always late: to band, yes
You often get headaches: nope
You smoke: No
A naked photo of you exists: LOL yes.
You can whistle: ya
You write letters regularly: nope
You believe in destiny: Yes
You brush your teeth three times a day: twice?
You have something you wish to confess: Yes
You change your bedsheets weekly: Well, often enough...
You bite your fingernails: Yes
You pick your nose: yep
You are a vegetarian: No
You have eaten in a restaurant alone: yep
You have gone to a movie alone: No
You have taken a vacation alone: nope
You read the newspaper everyday: No
You have not used a hair dryer in the past five years: No
You have never used a personal computer: wtf would i be doing this right now? i suppose you could use someone elses
You have made love in an airplane: no but that would be fun...hehehe...(kc)
You have hit your father or mother in anger: No, as much as i want to sometimes
When you think you have done something wrong, you are
quick to apologize: unless the person i wronged is being an asshole, yes
You lose control in heated arguments: Yah...i'm ancestors beheaded people over shit like that.
You drank mother's milk: lol what am i supposed to do go ask my mom?
You generally save letters and postcards: Yes
You hate parties: No...kinda depends on what transpires at the party.
You have stolen money from your parents: perhaps
You have fired a gun: yes actually (scary? i think so.)
You often have the last word: nope...i'm too damn slow
Less is more: depends on the situation
You give money to homeless people: course
Money has influenced your character: probably
You know who you are: No...but who does.
You enjoy being photographed: Yes
Life treats you well: yes is great :-D


Sunrise or Sunset: Sunset
Sweet or Sour: FOR GETTING ALL THE SOUR FOR THE SWEET...sorry...dillinger moment...i love them...sweet
Sahara or Himalaya: Sahara
Dolphin or Eagle: Eagle, but not cuz its our school mascot lol
Old or New: Old
Hot or cold: Hot
Coke or Pepsi: Coke
Soft or hard: Soft
Train or plane: Plane
Yesterday or Tomorrow: Tomorrow
Red or Blue: Red
Fast or Slow: Slow
Beatles or Elvis: Beatles, dude. FULLY Beatles.
Blind or Deaf: Blind...gotta have my music.
Open or Closed: Open
Bath or Shower: Shower: no contest
Square or Circle: Circle
Fire or water: fire
Lightning or thunder: both!
Black or white: black
Ocean or forest: Ocean
Dogs or cats: Cats
Day or night: night
Leaves or roots: wtf?
Left or right: Right
Cremation or burial: Burial
Victim or criminal: Victim
Even or odd: Even
Written or spoken: Spoken
Woman or man: chicas, puto
Carpet or hardwood floor: Shag carpet...lolol
Earthquake or hurricane: Hurricane
City or countryside: City
Vanilla or chocolate: Vanilla
Abstract or figurative: Abstract
Limited or open-ended: Open-ended
House or condominium: House
! or ?: usually more of a #, but i'll go with ?
Sun or rain: rain...naked...yes.
Briefs or boxers: Boxers
Pen or pencil: Pen
Horns or strings: Horns
Summer or winter: Summer
Horizontal or vertical: Horizontal
Destiny or choice: destiny
Alone or together: Together
New York or Paris: New York
Silver or gold: Silver

i forgot who i stole this from. but god i was bored. i should really go do my art now. oh well!
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