I am the worst updater EVER, but not nearly as bad as Sean. :) Things at Casa de Stack are pretty good, all things considered. I like my job a lot, wouldn't have thought collections would be for me, but it turns out I actually really enjoy it. Sean started working where I work about three weeks ago, and they put him on my team, so we're on the same work schedule for the first time in forever. It makes life about a million times easier, for sure. I finally got Halloween pictures of the kids onto the computer, some of you've seen them up on the respective myspaces, I'm sure, but for those who haven't, I'll include some here.
Jodie's been staying with us over her winter break, but she heads home Sunday, so the hunt for a new babysitter was on. (Well, it was on anyway, but Jodie allowed us to have some extra time to actually find someone who we liked AND could afford). The new sitter starts on Monday, hopefully it'll work out, cause she's dirt cheap. $2/hour for the first kid, $1 per hour each additional child. I can totally live with $3/hour for child care for two small children. She's got a bunch of boys, so Dom has plenty of people to keep him company, and it can only serve to help him. Poor little guy spends too much time stuck hanging out with the grownups.
Speaking of Dom, adventures in potty training is going well, and is almost all the way complete. 95% of the way there, I'd say-he only has the occasional accident, mostly that happens overnight or while he's napping. Less and less so every day, though. He's getting to be such a big kid I can barely believe that he'll be going to preschool later on this year. He's grown up so much over the past year.
Molly is getting bigger and bigger. She's rolling over like a fiend, can't quite crawl, but she's almost got it. I give her another month before she's mobile, so it's time to start hauling out the baby gates and childproofing everything again. She was just shy of 15 pounds at her last checkup in early Dec, she's got her next appointment early in February. She's started eating cereal with her bottle, and if I can just get her to start taking it from a spoon, we can start moving her towards eating regular baby food, which can only lead to less ANGRY MOLLY faces.
Sean's mother is planning a trip up sometime this spring, which saves us some money-we were thinking about planning a trip down there to surprise her.
Pulled my free credit report for the year, found out I'm WAY less in debt than I thought I was, so by the end of this year, heck, maybe even by June, we should be totally debt free. What an exciting thought. Maybe, just maybe, a house can get moved from the ten year plan back into the five year plan. Owning certainly beats renting, any day.
Company holiday banquet tonight-yeah, we're a little behind the times. Apparently, someone waited too long to book the hall, so we had to wait until after the new year. Whatever, it's free food, a reason to get dressed up, and even if it IS the work crowd, it's a chance to go hang out with grownups without the kids for a few hours. Don't get me wrong, I love them both to pieces, but every once in a while, a night out is the best gift.
We're missing everyone who's far away, and we're hoping to see you all soon.