I had a support into work group meeting today...it was AWFUL. I never realised I had to apply for 40+ hour jobs. lol :P No one gave me any info or owt tho just told me to apply for jobs. o_o
Least you've got some work experience now...last time I worked was 2006!!!! Basically i'm screwed...hahaha
Yeah they're brilliant at not telling you things! Lol yeah, though I'm never doing warehouse work again, didn't like it. :D Christmas job season is here, I'm sure we'll find something!
I know right? Ugh. I didn't even get in McDonalds D: lol
You know when you got paid did it go in on stupid days?
As I sign on Wednesday and sometimes it goes in Wednesday, sometimes Thursday, sometimes Friday, sometimes Saturday...I don't get it!! Why not stick with one day! lol
So annoying.
Least you've got some work experience now...last time I worked was 2006!!!! Basically i'm screwed...hahaha
Lol yeah, though I'm never doing warehouse work again, didn't like it. :D
Christmas job season is here, I'm sure we'll find something!
Lets hope...I know ASDA have jobs...altho they said i wasn't suitable... o_o omg...how do they kow from those crappy....
"have you ever got angry" questions >< lol
I know. They're dumb. Like it matters to stack shelves for three months!
You know when you got paid did it go in on stupid days?
As I sign on Wednesday and sometimes it goes in Wednesday, sometimes Thursday, sometimes Friday, sometimes Saturday...I don't get it!! Why not stick with one day! lol
I think it usually went in on the friday, i signed on on Tuesdays. I think they're just struggling to cope now =D
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