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Dec 21, 2005 17:08

holy crap.
these past few nights at work were INTENSE!!
sunday caralie came over to see me before i went to work. that was exciting. she said i looked like a sick patient in my bed when she came in. haha
we went to jamba juice and listened to dane cook. that dane cook is one silly bitch.
"im very gazelle like when im afraid..." hahaha
then i went into work. I DID NOT SIT DOWN AT ALL. i even went on my break to see my mom and they called me twice. it was soooo crazy. we had a confused patient who wanted me and the nurse to come lay down in the bed with him, and when we told him no, he got ALL PISSED at us and wouldn't let us do our job. its funny that the only guys i can get are like, 72. it kinda pisses me off... hahaha
i was so happy when 7:30 hit, but not about the fact that i had to come back that night, and the night after that. grrr...
so monday night was a little better. the confused patient had a sitter, so i didn't really have to worry about him as much.
at 1 i went on my break and my mom got me some chicken strips, so i sat with her and ate dinner. after that i felt kind of funny, like i was very aware of my heartbeat. i didn't think anything of it, it happens all the time. so i went back, and was getting ready to finish my flowsheets, and it kept getting worse and worse, so i told one of the nurses. she took my blood pressure and checked my heart rate and oxygen... my heartrate was 140 (normal is 60-100). i went and told the secretary and she said to hook myself up to the monitor so she could see if i was at least in sinus rythym (sinus is normal, 60-100 beats per minute) so i hooked myself up, and i was in sinus, BUT my rate was 160 this time, and on the monitor if something isn't right, it will print out a strip, well it kept printing strips, so one of the nurses went and got the charge nurse, and she came out and she goes, "which one is she? ohhh...." and the tele tech (the guy that watches the monitor) was like "YOU'RE WORSE THAN THE GUY IN 609!!" haha way to make my heart rate slow down.. so they're all talking and its starting to freak me out, and my rate went up to 172... and the charge nurse goes "guess what..." and one of the nurses says "she can't go home, her mom's here..." and the charge goes "oh. im not sending her home. get your stuff. you're going to the ER."
so she wheeled me down to the ER in the wheelchair, and called my mom and let her know. i got down there and my rate slowed to 120ish. my blood pressure was high though. so i got to spend the rest of my shift in the ER. they hooked me up to an IV and drew blood to take some tests to see if it was my thyroid or kidneys. they all came back normal though. my heartrate slowed back down to between 90 and 110 which is normal for me. i felt so loved though, i got so many visitors, "are you okay?! you poor thing!" "your debbies daughter huh? your mom's a sweetheart! i hope you're okay!" haha im just gunna change my name to debbies daughter. thats how im known at work. my mom was laughing the whole time, and when she told everyone on her floor they were all freaking out and she was laughing. haha oh mom. she knew i was fine though. i was afraid they were going to make me stay, which would have sucked because you know, i work on the cardiac floor, so i'd be on my floor, with my peoples taking care of me.
but its okay. im fine. i even went back the third night. last night wasn't nearly as rough as the other two. everyone slept. even the confused guy. which was good because i wanted to take it easy. im just glad to be off for the next couple nights.
ohhh, my job.... gotta love it... never a dull moment...
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