Magical Things Happen on Snow Days

Jan 08, 2010 06:40

Cobb County has canceled school today because we here in the South don't know how to handle such conditions. I went to bed before the notice was posted, so my alarm still rang this morning. Since I'm unable to go back to sleep easily, I figured I might as well post this long-awaited update.

Life in a nutshell

I'm interning full days at a high school. (They're so much bigger than me! Wah!)
Once again, I'll attend night classes three days of the week.
I picked up another Kaplan class to teach Saturday mornings starting Jan. 23rd (to keep my health insurance, mostly... yay affordable group plan, boo work on a Saturday morning)
I will occasionally work at the Cafe. They'll call me for emergency shift-covering.
Taking my teacher certification exam this Saturday (in Georgia, called the GACE)

I'm optimistic about this year. It's the year I graduate, so yes, it will be hectic. But that's a good kind of hectic with fast returns. After all, as soon as I graduate, I get to move to North Carolina to be with The Boy. Things have really changed between us for the better, otherwise I wouldn't have made such a decision. Now I feel bad over all my melodramatic bullshit last year. Well, I will always overreact to stuff and I'll almost always regret it. Huzzah, human experience. I'm just pleased that these more optimistic and not-letting-things-get-to-me bouts are happening more frequently than my freak-outs. Personal growth. Yep.

Love to all and a Happy New Year
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