There's nothing quite like a belated gift that arrives just in time to cheer you up when you've been extremely bummed out, especially over financial worries and material guilt. Kristine, who many of you know as my closest-thing-to-a-sister friend, sent me a late package with a data CD of her favorite punk music, a Nirvana t-shirt, three buttons with cute things like the above message and "Cupcakes kill" (with a cute cartoon of a homicidal cupcake stabbing a twinkie whose filling spills out), and a greeting card with tubby cat that looks a bit like Lucy on it. She even left the Hot Topic frequent buyer card in the package. On principle, I'm not going to use the frequent buyer card, so anyone who wants it, it has 4 stamps on it. But the rest I'll keep.
AND I've got a new batch of books from the library. I'm finishing my fifth today and I realized I had to get a new stack so I'd have something to reading during the proctoring of the practice SAT tomorrow at my second job.
What I've read this week:
The Catcher in the Rye
The Outsiders
The Handmaid's Tale
Currently finishing: Angela's Ashes (note: cementing my admiration of Frank McCourt's style; I read his other book Teacher Man. Lovely)
New stack of books from the public library:
Speak -Anderson
The Iliad -Homer (a reread, but I promised to make a film out of it just like I did the Odyssey)
The Two Towers -Tolkien (took a while, I know I know)
To the Lighthouse -Woolf
Lolita - Nabokov (I've started this book a gazillion times but always had to return it before I even hit half way)
And since it has just occurred to me that I never posted the digital film I had to make for class, here it is:
Click to view