May 27, 2008 13:12
I really wish I'd been able to go to Kubla Con. Even sitting at a booth, it would have been fun to see everyone I usually only see at cons. Eli told me that there wasn't anyone out in the table area where I was at last year, and their dealer room looked a bit sparse. I guess that's why they really wanted me to pay for a dealer room table, rather than give me the same thing I got last year.
It's my dream to get to the point where I'm recruiting and running artist alleys for conventions. What's been so surprising about doing this whole RPG convention gig is that nearly none of them have an artist area in place, and have no clue how to deal with me. Some of them simply don't, and keep putting me in a retail category. If demand were so high that I could justify the expense, I'd do it in a heartbeat. But my ceiling seems to be 15 marker commissions in a weekend. It isn't a lot compared to some of you guys on my f-list, which means I better get faster. But it does mean that a weekend of grueling work wouldn't get close to breaking even for a $300 table.
Also, just so I know, does anyone out there care that prints from Kinko's are going to fade? I'd prefer to do prints there instead of at a photographic shop because of the expense, but most people don't seem to care about the absolutely archival ink and paper. They only want to spend $5.
I finished the dragon painting ten minutes before we had to be on the road to the wedding. I didn't take a picture of it, because I wasn't thinking.
In other news it looks like I'm running a D&D campaign for 8 people. First session was last night, and it went pretty well, despite the lack of group cohesion they all ended up right where I wanted them (muahahaha), and they seem to be all strikingly individual characters. There's none of that "All for one, one for all" routine going on, which is why one group member is going to likely keep the loot from their mysterious (dead) benefactor and nobody is going to know about it. I also have a group that's evenly distributed between xx and xy chromosomes, which is really rare.
Hope they all stick with it, since I would enjoy thinking of creative ways to kill them off a little too much.