Contemplating opening a
blogger account for the fine arts stuff. I know once school starts up I'm going to want to keep track of it in an orderly manner, and LJ tends to be the dumping ground for my random thought of the day. It would be fun to put my shiny pretty camera to use documenting the work I do in class.
I'd like to have something a little more focused. (Hahah) Or professional.
Thinking about joining the
Los Gatos Art Association. From the people I have met so far they are very nice and anxious to get younger members. I think their average age is mid to late 40's. The real motivator is that they have a juried show coming up and I need to be in a couple of those to pad my fine arts resume. I should look into other art associations in the area- I just doubt that many of them have exhibit spaces or are more than glorified tax write-offs.
Works San Jose might be nice, but I joined with a painter who became creepy and then moved. So now I don't get their mail anymore. Not to mention I have heard that their space was lost, no longer given to them by the city. Rather sad, but to be expected from this city's horrible ReDevelopment Agency. I am also in fear of going to one of their meetings and seeing THE WATERCOLORIST. <-- His tale is one for a later date when I can figure out what is wrong with him.
Anyway. I took video of myself again. Not posting it, boring as hell, and not stop-motion. Though I do REALLY hate the painting I did.
I'm wondering if my current fascination with all things cute and tiny has anything to do with the entire box of Gobstoppers I ingested yesterday.
When will I start to see Oompa-loompas?