An Open Letter

Sep 19, 2007 20:10

Dear DC;

I've been a fan for a few years now. I can quote canon fairly well. I actually sort of understood Crisis on Infinite Earths (sort of). I refer to most of your heroes by their first names, except for the big blue boy scout. Every week, I walk into my local store to see what new crack you have for me this week. Other that Y, (which doesn't count because it's Vertigo, your imprint), a little Spiderman and a short dalliance with the Civil War at that other place, I have been extremely faithful.

I've poured over your hints in your pictures. I've defended Coutndown, saying that it just needed to pick up steam (I'm starting to believe it's just boring).

I've even defended you on some of your more heartless decisions. Kal and Bart? Not cool, but I'm willing to forgive a lot in terms of a story. Vic, too.

But this is a step too far. Killing off Ollie on his wedding night? Having Dinah be the one to have to do it? Him coming at her with a knife?

Ollie has always been the lynchpin of the DCU for me. Fuck Clark. Bruce is just too damned spooky. Ollie has heart and humour and is a great character. You killed him off once, now you had to go and do it again. And Dinah is going to be just fucking devastated.

So that's where it stands. Basically, this is a deal breaker for me. I'm going to continue to pick up the Year One, because I gotta. And I'll pick up the first issue of the new series next month. But guys, if you don't fix it PDQ, I'm out. I have better things to do with my time if you're going to pull shit like that.

No love,
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