Jun 11, 2008 14:18
I'm feeling like life is sparse and I'm wasting time right now but not; I'm wasting it because it is so precious that I'll never get this time back, and it's a lovely day outside and I should go for a walk, but I'm not wasting this time because I'm writing and that's what I love to do. I do't worry about sentence structure so much when I write like this even though I should, but it's okay. I'm fine with it; hardly anyone reads it ayways.
I've been trying to cope with the fact that fanfiction and I need to be split soon. I have to start focusing on more original ideas if I ever want to write scripts, and I really really want to more than anything. Right now, I am starting notes on making my experiences at the local movie theater for a television series, even though I really don't have an idea of how to go about that. I'm just writing down all that I can so I can use it later. It'll come in handy sometime, and my theater is never a dull place. Everyon has a quirk and something comical is always happening in this town that no one knows about unless it was a hundred years ago, but it'll be fun. I just want to do it. It'd be a great tribute to my time there and all the awesome friends I've made. I can't wait. I work tonight, and I'll write out a list of possible episodes then. We already got one that we made off a joke called 'Here's You're Fucking Change,' and it's hilarious. It's too complex to explain now, but I promise when you it, you'll love it.
I actually don't care what I write, but I do. It has to be something I'm familiar with and can draw from, but not totally autobiagrapical. The cinema is a great bunch of people I can work with on paper and be amazed as we live each day together. We have so much fun and drama, good and bad times... I don't see how it couldn't work once I learn how to properly get it on paper. Cinergy is a humongous help, but for now, I have to write lots of notes. I'm going to also try to start writing down everything that happens there for future references. No time like the present!
Off to exercise, then back to the theater. I heart ppl there. <3