...though alas, not mine. I am kinda tempted to recreate the posing-as-covers experiments just for kicks, and I admit I went back and looked at a bunch of pics of me in costumes over the years to see whether I ever accidentally channeled any book-coverishness. (Looks like the answer is "not really," even if I can't say the same about channeling Jedi poses that are arguably cheesy without a lightsaber blade Photoshopped into the picture.)
Jim C Hines poses like men on book covers Jim C Hines poses like women on book covers Anna (LJ user
recreates book-cover poses of both men and women Related links (ganked from Jim C Hines, but included here in case you don't click on them from his posts):
Stop Taking This Picture by Emily Asher-Perrin at Tor.com, on the ubiquitous female "butt and boobs" pose
Analysis and edits of some recent Spider-Woman comic book covers from artist Karine Charlebois (And
the rest of that blog is full of more analytical goodies in the same vein, including further discussion of the above covers)