Uuuuuuuh... Isn't witty title here

Apr 11, 2008 22:24

So these past few weeks have been both joyous and megadowners.

+Started dating this girl Michelle who I've known, and had a crush on, since 4th grade.
-A good friend of mine, Matt Craver, committed suicide on March 24th. It really sucks, and I was really bummed out for the first week or so. But I've since leveled out, and am doing alright.
+I got a call from a buddy of mine who works for Global Wireless Solutions and is looking for new employees. So I could be working there in a short time.
-That means I had to make a resumé.
-The submission process took forever, for some reason the email for the lady who's supposed to receive the resumés didn't work.
+Got the right email after calling.
+My birthday is this Thursday
-Looks like I wont be able to go to a live taping of Conan O'Brien like I wanted to. I invited a couple people to go with, but none of them even replied, let alone said they could go or not.
-I hate the song "Dancing Queen". Like actually HATE it! It boils my blood every time I hear it. Mike and Dave know this. Dave sang it at kareoke on Sunday night and dedicated it to me. I walked out. And was pissed for the rest of the night, assholes.
-Mike and Dave sang "Dancing Queen" again at kareoke on Thursday. I can forgive Sunday, most people find that song enjoyable for some ungodly reason. BUT WHY THE HELL DID THEY FEEL THE NEED TO SING IT AGAIN ON THURSDAY? First, it's outrageously annoying to hear the same songs performed in such rapid succession, regardless what song. Second, they knew I was going to be there, they can make all the lame excuses they want, they're douches.
+Got a phone call a few days later to set up interview.
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