Captain Zol, entry 1

May 28, 2008 23:39

This is hopefully the first of many posts to help me keep in the mood for the big d20 future game coming up next semester. This also should help ground the world/universe it is set in.

I never actually wanted to join the space program. I just kinda happened. I was doing some contract work, mostly negotiating some wage disputes with some scientists working for NASA and some government flunkies. It boiled down to the following arguements, the scientists wanted to get more payment, almost a 60% increase so they could be well off once they finalize the "warp" project. The flunkies said the senators backing the program weren't willing and the scientists should continue for their agreed wages as they were going to better mankind. It went on for days, eventually I got the jist of the classified project. They were testing some new kind of engine, capable of brief periods of faster than light travel. But I made a very big mistake, I opened my god damned mouth. Well, then the government boys offered me two options, either sign on, or disappear. Needless to say, I ended up with the project, working as a spokesman/cover up artist. I think if it went bad, I would ahve been the fall guy, thank god the engine worked.
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