this is why, if you are buying electronics from ebay, never buy them from an individual seller instead of ebay store that guarantees the product and always be certain they will take a return in extreme circumstances.
(on a brighter note, my RA job is over and i got a job at the bookstore for pre-season rush. hopefully starbucks calls tho, the bookstore is just for 3 months...)
"Hi, i just received the purple 16gb ipod nano i bought from you. its in great condition, but i was wondering if when you used it, you used itunes to put music on it? because i can't get it to work and i wasn't sure if it was my computer or what. But if you could let me know if you used iTunes and if you were on a Mac or Windows computer, that would be excellent."
"Ok when i use that was little upload music on windows media player and when you delete the music also use the same.only i tell you that you care first check music that does not have virus."
"I know your page says you do not accept returns, but though the product is in good cosmetic condition, it is not as advertised-it does not accept itunes, whether because it is foreign or imitation, and as far as i can tell it doesn't have 16 gb of storage, not even close. please get back to me asap, i really dont want to file a complaint..."
"It is true i did not did not accept returns no exceptions !!!,already told you as you upload the music,the ipod buy it here in a walmart like 6 months ago and with the memory i do not as you say that!!!that is not true.I do not what do you make with the ipod or that you upload check before put something to the ipod!!! "
my music does not have viruses, its all from the iTunes store, meaning the file type does not even work because the iPod is not formatted for iTunes. in addition, despite what the back of the iPod says it is only 1gb, not 16. Im sorry, but I really must insist on a return.
(ok i admit i lied a little, little of my music is from iTunes, but none of it has a virus annd the ipod is clearly a knockoff. but im trying to be civil and give them the benefit of the doubt that they didn't know any better)
"sorry but NOT!!! you already use and I dont know what you did."
soo i am now in the process of waiting for paypal and ebay to review the official claim i had to file. I guess the silver lining is that theres no way they can be in the sellers favor, and that if the seller does not respond by the deadline i will automatically be refunded. unfortunatly, that means i might have to wait till August 13th. FML.
part of my claim:
-the "iPod" does not use itunes, as opposed to real ipods, which work with itunes ONLY
-the product only holds approx 1gb of music as opposed to 16gb (a HUGE difference in what was advertised, and true iPods are not even manufactured in 1gb sizes)
-all of the menus and "now playing" screens are different than actual ipods
in addition, on the back of actual iPod 4th generation nanos the product has an apple sign and the word "iPod" etched in. the product i received has an apple sign, the work "iPod", and also "16gb" all as stickers placed off center on the back-even cosmetically, this is not an actual Apple product as you listed.
yeah...i should be fine. still fucking pissed though.