Tina...you fat turd!

Aug 24, 2004 23:42

Haha. Dave gave me this link...it's hilarious. Well, at least that's what I think. ;p


Check it out, yo. :D

Anyways...today was alright. I don't feel like getting shot...heh. My mom called around 2:00 and told me to make dinner, and do some laundry. Gah. She makes me mad. I know I can be so god damned lazy, but...making dinner? Come on, yo. I was stuck baby sitting Cris and Pat all day. [[ Btw, I have not been on 'speaking grounds' with Pat as of yesterday ]] Matt called, and I was only able to talk for a little because of Cris and his large appetite and obsession with Playstation. So...I told him I'd call hi, back later. Which I never got the chance to do! ARGH!!!!


Okie...so...after that, my dear, sweet mother of mine took me to the mall to return some crap. She made me buy this skirt...it wasn't so horrible, but I try to show off as little of my pale legs as possible. Then, I bought some shirts and walked around for a little. We're supposed to go to Target to buy the rest of my school shit and my CD tomorrow after I'm done working [[ for China-Whina ]]. Then..when we got home, I took a shower, cleaned up my room, and gave Nick a ring. Pat doesn't like me talking to him, so I did it on purpose..just to piss her off. >:D Oh, how vicious I can be...HAH, just kidding. ;x

...My goodness, this summer has passed by so quickly. Registration is Thursday. God damnit. Gah,  this summer wasn't awful I guess...one of the best I've had..but I'm just not "ready" to go back to waking up so damn early, and having to walk home...blah. Guess I am just plain lazy. I should get off my ass and do shit this week, while I still can. I know! I still have not climbed over Evelyn's fence. [[ spiked fence that I fell on ]] I need to do it again so I won't be scared of it. Mwah ha. Summer goal #1. ...Bleh, it's kinda late for 'summer goals' now though, but hell with it. I'll still set 'em.

TheGCPlan: hey masturbator [[That Ian...he's a god damned pimp, I tell ya. ]]

..."We love our coooooountry! We love our cooooountry!" Hehe. Ms. Swan rules!!!!! Oh, oh....and so does Napolean. "Tina, you fat lard, come and eat your dinner!" Lmao.

I love randomness.

Gee, I'm thirsty...

"Hm, that's just swell."

Thanks. I know it is. Mwha. I talk to myself sometimes! ;x. Gahh. I'm gonna go now...I think. Yeah, I will...o.O.

...I need a drink. Later, guys.

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