Excuse me while I アヒャヒャヒャ(゚∀゚≡゚∀゚)ヒャヒャヒャ MY WISH CAME TRUE???!?!
It’s a sequel game to Oumagatoki, so I’m wondering does the main storyline follow the True Ends from the first game? Or will each route just pick up from where each route ended (Best Ends)? Frankly I’m open to anything, I JUST WANT SOME SORT OF CLOSURE FOR HIBIYA’S TRUE END (ノ゜д゜)ノ シュッ 三 ┳━┳ Y DID U DO IT, GURRLLLL
Is it me or.. did they get the Diamond Alice game artist to draw for this???
Looks like it’s 3 Quinrose games on my to-buy list so far ^q^
In other news, I just received Toki no Kizuna in the mail and I got KimiKare to run after updating my cfw. Now if only I HAD ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD so i can play these game and do doujin at the same time orz |||