Yeah, my SMJ shipment arrived. More doujins I wasted my money on TvT BANZAIIII
Day 27 - Most epic scene ever.
Well the one scene that really moved me wasn't that epic... but it made me sorta sad..?? IT WAS TOUCHING IN AN EPIC WAY, OKAY.
In Starry Sky After Spring, Kanata's condition was getting worse and he required surgery to prolong his life. Unfortunately, the procedure was very high risk so Kanata didn't want to go thru it. He was scared that he might die and leave Tsukiko (MC) alone to grieve for him.
Then his mom, Mayumi comes in and gave him THE TALK. (Kanata's dad had the same condition as his son and he passed away when Kanata was a toddler.)
She understands the situation of being left behind quite well. As she mentions being unable to hear that familiar snore beside her when she wakes up, hearing that snore robbed her of her sleep but without it, she can't sleep either... when I heard it I just went "MAAAYUUUUMIIII-SAAAANNNN BAAAAWWWWW!!!" 。・゜・(/Д`)・゜・。うわぁぁぁぁん
"Being unable to text him 'I want to see you' because you know it won't reach him.."
Kanata remembers seeing his mom's phone which still has his dad's email address. He then realizes how lonely his mom feels, something he never realized because she never shows it on her face.
くすん ( ノω-、)
I think what made this epic for me was because I empathize with the situation quite well, having lost a close family member.
Day 28 - Favorite game developer.
I don't think I have a favourite since I always seems to be shouting at them for doing THE WRONG THINGS. lol Otomate won't give me Saito dakimakura, Konami wont give me GS3 nendos, Quinrose won't get a better illustrator LOLOLOL...
And SugarBeans, stop making spineless heroines and Aromarie stop destroying your characters with rape ends.