hetalia and DSi

Oct 02, 2008 14:59

Things you learn at 5 am with Hetalia

- Piano and Oyabun' bosses were related at one point. NICE BANANAS.
- Su-san probably met Ivan when he was a kid. And you repayed the favour by taking his wife from him. Nice one, Ivan.
- I fear I'm beginning to like the Denmark --> Su angle but only in a abusive way OTL
- No love for Norway?
- Plenty of sites are password-protected >:( Understandable due to the rampant fanart usage. Hates figuring out passwords at 4 am...
- have to thank hetalia for chara profiles for they're a saviour when it comes to figuring out passwords
- BOTHNIA, not BO-SU-NIA konoyarou

The new DS unit, renamed as the DSi introduced to the world. DSi = DS + Camera. As far as I see it the improvements to the system is the improved audio + bigger screen + SD card slot. Not really excited about the camera capability (0.3 megapixels is a joke).... so will I buy one? HAVE NO IDEA.

hetalia, nds

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