Title: Pet Santa Is A Big Gay Elf
Author: Piratelf
Rating: G
Fandom: SPN
Genre: RPF or Pre-Slash, let's say just as slashy as the boys are in RL ;)
Disclaimer: Jared and Jensen are their own people and I am evil to be writing about them this way. Ditto Sadie and Harley. I am going to hell. Merry Christmas!
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Comments 42
“AND I LOVE MY BIG GAY JARHEAD! LET’S GO EAT SOME BIG GAY MEAT!” Jensen pulled the door shut behind him.
Jared opened the driver’s side door and announced. “HAVE A BIG GAY MERRY CHRISTMAS!”
“AND TO ALL A BIG GAY NIGHT!” Jensen finished, pulling his car door shut like an exclamation point.
That has killed me so much!
Almost too beautiful, and of course the boys going overboard with the BIG GAY christmassy sayings, kinda made a potentially schoompy fic turn into crack at the drop of hat (no, not the Christmas hat Jared fitted Sadie with).
And Jensen and Jared *giggling* all the way to the Steak House (you can't get GAYER than that :-) ).
It was definitely BIG GAY GIGGLING!
THanks for the compliments! I'm so happy you liked it!
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