Title: The Misbegotten, Chapter 5
Author: Piratelf
Rating: R (for strong language)
Fandom: Gilmore Girls and Supernatural crossover inspired by, but in no way a part of the
whatwekeep 'verse.
Disclaimer: Gilmore Girls and Supernatural belong to their respective owners, bought and paid for. I am not one of the owners, more's the pity. The AKB 'verse was
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I SO wish every author linked chapters together as well! So many times I have had to search through a journal to see if there even are any further chapters and where on earth they are! I know I go a bit overboard with all the previous chapters at the top and the next chapter at the bottom as well as tags, but when I first started reading fic on LiveJournal I HATED it because I was so lost! Now I take a 'treat others as you would like to have been treated (like a slightly slow pre-schooler)' approach. *LOL*
I did recognize your name as the author of "Little Boy Lost", but since I had removed my actual post it never occurred to me that someone could find me through that link in the answer to a comment!
I want to read LBL, I really loved Liam and Orlando in "Kingdom of Heaven" (just wish Godfrey hadn't died so soon), but I've found I can't read any other AKB verse stories while I'm writing this one. I keep woprrying that I'll subconsciously copy something, or if I read something that isalsi in Misbegotten, I worry that others will think that I copied it. I'm so glad you don't have that crazy idea!
I also have a fic index where I link everything, and the index itself is linked in my Profile, and is in my Memories. Multi-part projects, once they're done, get index pages of their own, and those pages are linked to the master index. Lost Boy will have a page of its own when I finish. I also tagged everything for a while, but I fell off on that and need to go back about a year [cough] and catch up. I don't use tags myself much when I'm reading so I often don't think about it. And I hate that LJ doesn't present you with a list of all your tags when you're posting -- you have to either remember what-all you were using, or keep a list of your own, or open up another window to find the tags list. [headdesk] It's ridiculous -- they can give you a list of tags when you go into an existing post and click on the Tag button, but they can't give you that same list when you're first creating a post?
But anyway, yeah, I want as many people as possible to read my fics, so I give them as many ways as possible to find all my stories, and navigate through them. Enlightened self-interest and all that. :)
(just wish Godfrey hadn't died so soon)
Definitely! :( What is it with Liam's characters dying too soon? Qui-Gon's another one; I wish he'd have stuck around longer. [sigh] I know the whole Dying Mentor is an archetype and yaddah-yaddah, but good grief....
I keep woprrying that I'll subconsciously copy something, or if I read something that isalsi in Misbegotten, I worry that others will think that I copied it. I'm so glad you don't have that crazy idea!
Nah. Actually, I've been tossing canon-in-a-can around right and left, and it'd jazz me if someone picked up on something. :D As far as basic ideas, like plot twists or whatever -- I don't worry about those. It's not the "idea" that's important in fiction writing; it's what you do with it, on a line-by-line and word-by-word level, that makes a story good or not. You could give the same basic idea to five different writers and get seven very different stories. :) Like, I've established (for people who read between the lines, and soon it'll be clearly obvious) that there are people out there, criminals and underground and black marketers and the like, who take slaves off the radar by removing their chips. I've gotten the impression that they're just basic chips, like you'd give your dog or cat, only with some transmission oomph to them so maybe they're a bit bigger. Those chips are just subcutaneous, though; any idiot with a box cutter and a bottle of alcohol could get one out. A slave couldn't get it out for him- or herself -- if they're usually on the back, that'd be awkward. But it wouldn't be tough. If someone else picked up on that and used it in one of their stories, that'd be awesome. :) That kind of cross-over of ideas and gimmicks would help the world feel more coherent and tie things by different writers together.
But seriously, only baby writers (of whatever chronological age or actual length of writing experience) whine about how everyone's out to "steal my ideas, oh noes!" First, how I execute something is different from how you'd execute it. And second, ideas aren't unique anyway. [shrug] If you want to read A Lost Boy, feel free; I won't pitch of fit if something in your story seems to be a bit similar to mine. :)
WHOA! Waaaay ahead of me! I'm jealous!
Definitely! :( What is it with Liam's characters dying too soon? Qui-Gon's another one; I wish he'd have stuck around longer. [sigh] I know the whole Dying Mentor is an archetype and yaddah-yaddah, but good grief....
I can't agree more! I was really getting into the father son dynamic when Godfrey gave Balian his first orange and I so wanted him to be there to show his son Jerusalem and see Balian improve the land and care for the people. But it was *Smack* You're a knight . . . Bleargh! I'm dead!
Oh well. They're supposed to be in another movie together soon.
Nah. Actually, I've been tossing canon-in-a-can around right and left, and it'd jazz me if someone picked up on something. :D
Yeah I'd love to see someone else use my slave brand design.
As far as basic ideas, like plot twists or whatever -- I don't worry about those. It's not the "idea" that's important in fiction writing; it's what you do with it, on a line-by-line and word-by-word level, that makes a story good or not. You could give the same basic idea to five different writers and get seven very different stories. :)
I know. I've never been directly involved in any 'oh you stole that from me!' scenarios but I've been witness to afew and they just get so vicious that I guess I go out of my way to avoid them.
Like, I've established (for people who read between the lines, and soon it'll be clearly obvious) that there are people out there, criminals and underground and black marketers and the like, who take slaves off the radar by removing their chips. I've gotten the impression that they're just basic chips, like you'd give your dog or cat, only with some transmission oomph to them so maybe they're a bit bigger. Those chips are just subcutaneous, though; any idiot with a box cutter and a bottle of alcohol could get one out. A slave couldn't get it out for him- or herself -- if they're usually on the back, that'd be awkward. But it wouldn't be tough.
I love that idea!
But seriously, only baby writers (of whatever chronological age or actual length of writing experience) whine about how everyone's out to "steal my ideas, oh noes!" First, how I execute something is different from how you'd execute it. And second, ideas aren't unique anyway. [shrug] If you want to read A Lost Boy, feel free; I won't pitch of fit if something in your story seems to be a bit similar to mine. :)
Thanks! I'll probably still wait until I've finished misbegotten, only because at the monet I only have time to write OR read, not both! *LOL* With the holidays coming up it's only going to get worse!
This is a great discussion!
Fic Index -- it's not hard, really, it just takes time. I love my index (which is here if you want to take a look) because I can put things in any order I want, grouped however I like, and I can add commentary which you can't do at all with Memories. I just basically hate Memories; even if you do everything right, they still suck, and a lot of people do them wrong in the first place, missing chapters or putting each chapter two layers down in its own folder or whatever. Yuck. Tags are okay for some purposes, but still, no commentary and you're at LJ's mercy so far as order goes.
*Smack* You're a knight . . . Bleargh! I'm dead!
LOL! Yeah, that was about it. :/
There wasn't even much fic about it, which was a bummer. There's a fic com for it, but most of it was Balian/Baldwin, and I'm sorry, but leper-sex just isn't my thing. [wry smile] I realize Balian/Godfrey was problematic for its own reasons, but heck, if Supernatural fandom can write forty-two bazillion stories about the brothers getting it on, you'd think KOH fandom could've written more than a handful about Balian and Godfrey. Of course, I didn't write any either, so.... [duck]
Telesilla wrote twelve chapters of a completely awesome KOH RPS with Liam and Orlando called Experience, where Liam introduces Orlando to kink. At this point she'll probably never finish it, but what's there is worth reading and then some, and it doesn't end on any really major cliffhangers.
In general, though, KOH didn't produce all that much fanfic, which is a shame. I mostly get my Liam fix as a reader browsing through Phantom Menace fic, although there's not much new being written at this point.
On the slave brand, your design certainly works, although I was picturing something a bit more ornate for no particular reason. You idea is probably much closer to what Commerce would actually do than mine. (Although now that I think about it, I could see them just using their Agency Seal -- the design that'd be on their stationery and arm patches and stuff. They are a gov't agency, after all, and those tend to be incredibly unimaginative.) I followed your freeze-branding links and poked around a bit and I have to say I'm not that impressed with how they turn out. That one girl(?) who freeze-branded her arm with two rectangles and got two semi-rectangular blobs? Umm, yeah. It might've been just that she was winging it, I suppose, and it's possible that someone with more experience would do a better job at getting the brand to look like the branding iron.
they just get so vicious
Oh, absolutely. :/ It's really awful the way people fly into a rage about it. I particularly hate when someone uses a similar high-level plotline or a similar gimmick or something and people start screaming "Plagiarism!" which of course it isn't. What that does do, though, is muddy the waters about what plagiarism actually is, which we really don't need.
It's like the brangle over ficcing fics and remixing. Were you aware when the SGA "mission report" wank was going on? I heard about it through Metafandom and was just... WTF?? People who are writing fics about someone else's world and characters and storylines are pitching fits because... someone else might write fic about the fics they wrote about someone else's...? That's just insane. It's also gold-plated hypocrisy. I particularly love the person who said that they didn't want anyone ficcing their fic without their approval because (get this) they might pair up two characters she didn't think should be paired. O_O Umm, like she did with John and Rodney...? [eyeroll] People just go nuts on the subject, and I have no patience for it.
[Continued on Next Rock...]
I posted about it and there was a pretty good discussion, with no wanking or name-calling, amazingly enough. I have a statement in my Profile saying that all my fics are open for ficcing or remixing or sequeling or whatever, with a link to the more detailed discussion on the subject. No one's done it so far, but I'm actually hoping 'cause I think it'd be fun to read. :)
On the removing-the-chip idea, I'm actually going to do something toward the end of Lost Boy where Commerce is working on plugging that hole, 'cause it's just too easy for some second person to remove a slave's chip, seriously. Most people wouldn't want to, 'cause if you're a law-abiding owner and suddenly your slave goes off the grid, Commerce is going to get angry, and you don't want to get Commerce angry with you. But the black market and the underground and the abolitionists -- you seriously can't tell me that none of them have an exacto knife. [wry smile]
And no prob with waiting -- I'll be happy to hear what you think whenever you get around to reading. I definitely know about the time-crunch thing, especially around the holidays. I swear, November was a ridiculous month for NaNoWriMo to be set in. [facepalm]
KOH fanfic, I wanted to see some Balian/Imad (Nasir) or Orlando/Liam. I wasn't that intrigued by Baldwin as a slash partner for anyone either so I'm with you there. I think I read the beginning chapters of Experience. Thanks for the link! I'll look and see if I followed it to the end 9so to speak) or if I missed chapters. I used to belong to koh_slash_fic and balian_slash but it looks like I culled them at some point, probably for lack of updates.
I hate to admit it but I've never seen Phantom Menace. I may be the only person left who hasn't.
slave brand - what i was thinking when I made it was that one site said that a simple design works best, and I thought that it would be faster to brand a simple design. I think it does happen a lot like John says, like an animal. So they don't want to have to spend too much time on a slave. BUT I really like your idea of the Commerce seal! That makes a lot of sense.
As for the person who branded herself, I can only imagine what that would feel like! I would think if you really wanted to do this, and get a nice brand, you would at least get a friend to do it FOR you. Not only because of the poain but the angles involved, another person would be able to give a much more even pressure. Of course the best would be to get some kind of professional to do it.
Fic - I'm not really in the SGA fandom so I totally missed the "mission report" wank. But it is, to be un-PC, retarded! Give me a break! And these are probably the same people who would be upset if a creator of a TV series said they didn't like fan fiction being written about their series because fan fiction writers make the characters do out of character things.
I really admire what did in opening her 'verse for everyone to play in and I've told her so. I admire you for doing it with your fics too! I wouldn't do it myself, only because I have plans in my head for future installments of fics, and I'd worry that if someone picked up on some foreshadowing of that and wrote a fic with something happening before I was ready to bring it into my story. That when I finally did bring it in, it would look as if I'd gotten the idea from someone else. And yes, I know how paranoid that is! *LOL* Can't help it. But I wouldn't care if someone used something in a fic I'd already written.
chip - I think that the chips have GPS, I dodn't know if they do in your story or not, but if not I think Commerce would certainly install that, so they could always find the chip, or know where the chip was when it stopped working.
Most people wouldn't want to, 'cause if you're a law-abiding owner and suddenly your slave goes off the grid, Commerce is going to get angry, and you don't want to get Commerce angry with you.
It would be an interesting moral dilemma for the abolitionists if, when a slave went off the grid, the last known owner had to either find the slave or supply a person of similar value to be enslaved (WITHOUT kidnapping or obtaining the person illegally, meaning probably a member of their own family) within a certain amount of time. So while freeing one slave, they are just creating another.
Lost Boy - I will definitely leave you pleanty of comment, and I'm sure, praise, when I do read it!
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