Jun 29, 2005 12:03
Well I have some big and exciting news to tell you all. I will try to keep it brief even though there is quite a bit of detail to it. We have been praying about this for a long time and belief it is the Lord's will for us....first of all to say....on July 16 my dad and mom are going to be flying to Mozambique, Africa !!! Hmmmm, I wonder what for? :) Well actually to answer your question they are going over there for a 3 week trip to check out the area, meet the fellow christian missionaries....and see if it would be the Lord's will for us as a family to go be missionaries in Mozambique! This is pretty exciting for us...and we really do believe the Lord is leading us to go there.
Well you might be asking yourself "Why Africa?" and "Why the Mozambique area". Well in Mozambique one of the main languages is Portuguese (believe it or not....it was taken over by the Portuguese in around 1600 a.d ) They also do speak the main Mozambique African language, but a big percentage do speak Portuguese which gives us an advantage since dad already knows it and we (the family) are learning it. Of course if we went we would have to learn the native African language (which is Makua)....but Portuguese will give us a start. Secondly, Mozambique is the poorest country in Africa and is also one of the least places in the world that have not been touched with the gospel. We just really had a heart to reach the people like that. My grandma is studying to be a nurse and is really considering going to africa to give some medical help to the people there.(it has been her life long dream to be a nurse in Africa) And if she did she would probably live with us there, or have a hut (house :) near by.
You can look up on a map and find Mozambique on the south-east coast of Africa to the right. Its right acoss from the island of Madagascar. They have pretty tropical temperatures and have some neat animals including Zebras, elephants, tigers ect.
This is definitely a big step for us! So if you could please be praying for us and that if its the Lords will....and if nothing majorly goes wrong....or Jesus doesn't come back.....that we would be going to Africa. Lots of change.....please pray for us and the decisions that we will be making. I have no idea if we will or not....but big chances are that we will. Prayer would be appreciated.....and I will hopefully be posting pictures when mom and dad get back from Africa. :) I will be sure to keep you all updated
I am so excited about what the Lord is doing in our lives and its so amazing to see the way He has been preparing us! He is truely a wonderful and amazing God! And there are lots of lost people out there who haven't heard about this amazing Creator....we need to be a light and get the message out! Amen?
"Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation" Mark 16:15