This is just my periodic plea for someone to take over
The Pirate Lair. I really suck at keeping it up. I love Daniel/Vala but my first love as far as willingness to do web maintenance is concerned is my darkfic list. I feel like there should be a good Daniel/Vala resource, though, so I hope someone will eventually want to take on The Pirate Lair.
Also, I want to pimp my friend Amothea's panfandom comm for her
angst_archive. She's open to both het and slash. I think it's a good community idea for people with an interest in consolidating the resources for certain types of fic (angst, dark, non-sap H/C, etc.). Some of the posts so far have been recs, meta, and a plot bunny. Anyway, so far it's a likable group. :-)