Vala lying on the table, with her head practically in Daniel's book. I'm sure that means something. Hmmm...
But why was Daniel obliged to leave Vala behind while the Orii Angel chatted him up?
Edited to add: Hey, didn't it look like Daniel and Vala were getting *dressed* when they were putting on their cloaks? Also, when Daniel is pinned against the wall - I got the impression that he gets the same series of expressions when someone goes down on him...
"I've heard you do better" - Yep, Daniel admires her craftiness.
Hey, why didn't Daniel and Vala confess some feelings when they were in imminent danger of being burned to death? Don't they know those who burn together stay together? I feel cheated!
The bracelets are off. Waah. On the upside, Daniel didn't seem overly grateful. Interesting that Vala could have removed them all along...
Did anyone catch the parallelism between Vala's munchies and Jack's interest in lunch? Vala is totally a Jack-substitute, lol! No wonder Daniel's so indulgent. I have to shoehorn that into my fic...
The scene in the meeting room where Vala says something that Daniel seems to find surprisingly thoughtful and intelligent: again, Jack-substitute.
Speaking of which, Jack seemed rather out of place and unnecessary. Nice confirm that Jack wanted to keep Daniel within arm's reach, though. What was that shrug thing that Daniel did? How weird - something between self-deprecation and trying to look like he doesn't care?
Well, Jack can just stand there and look uncomfortable. Daniel found a new drug dealer for Jackitude. :-)