Metalocalypse, House, Watchmen, Zombieland, Star Trek, Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The Office, Community, Inglourious Basterds, Sherlock Holmes, District 9, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. These fandoms subject to change.
Pairings: Gen, Het, and Slash. Please ask me personally for specific pairings; but do know that I am very hesitant to write Femmeslash, though I am not entirely opposed to the idea. Pairings will depend on personal canon and the fandom in question.
Willing to write: Horror, Angst, Porn, Comedy, Fluff, Crack, and any combination of the previous.
Will not write: Character death, Generally offensive material (racism, torture, rape, etc.), Unresolved Angst. I’m generally a very emotional person, and as such, I can be touchy on certain topics. But always ask, as things can change and there are certain exceptions I might be willing to make, depending on the fandom.
Partner Standards
Grammar is important, as well as a good grasp on English and the art of writing in general. I’m not asking for Shakespeare, just know that I will not accept vague, confusing sentences with poor construction. No bad!fic writers, please. Quality counts.
Reliability. I understand that people have other things to do than sit around and RP all day. I’m very busy myself. However, I would like to be able to count on my partner being there for a few hours or so every week, or as often as possible. Again, talk to me about this on AIM if you have a specific situation.
No Wankers. If you’re nice to me and nice in general, I’ll be onboard for a lot of stuff. If you piss me off, I’ll tell you about it. If there’s no resolution to your behavior, I will block you. I’ve gone through too many annoying/irritating partners to subject myself to it again.
AIM: thelilnan
Yahoo: tehmadhatter
Don’t IM me to bug me. I’ll block you.
And don’t be shy. I’m really nice, but I have to do Quality Control. You understand.
Have a slender day!