Over the weekend David and I also decided to check out The Night Listener. I've got a weird soft spot in my heart for films where Robin Williams plays it straight and not crazy. The story behind the movie is creepier than than the movie itself, but its still a very good psychological thriller. It was weird seeing
Toni Collette in such different roles in Little Miss Sunshine and then this.
The previews that started in the theater were strangely kiddie focused and David leaned over to me and asked what the movie was rated. PG-13 or R I thought... Then the movie started, except it was the wrong moving. ZOOM was apparently playing in the theater beforehand and apparently never got switched out. David quickly jumped out of his seat and over to the Box Office to let them know. Jim (the general manager) came in and gave everyone free tickets to another showing and free refills on their drinks and popcorn.
The movie itself started about half an hour late, and lagged a little bit aorund the one hour mark once you as the audience has made up your mind as to wether or not there's a kid or if this woman is more than a little out of it. It was also a little weird seeing
Bobby Canavalle playing Robin William's gay lover after watching him as a FBI agent in Snakes on a Plane on Thursday.
We had originally planned on seeing a midnight showing of The Warriors after meeting up with Rachael for a quick visit to Steak & Shake. However, the visit to Steak & Shake was so horrible, in both service and food, that I had to cut the night short and go home to spend the night near a toilet. I plan on writing a letter to Steak & Shake to let them know the kind of people they have working at their...1651 W. New Haven Ave. I-95, Exit 180
West Melbourne, FL 32904
... location. Let'm know that they suck and see if we can get some free food out of it. I'd have stopped going a long time ago if I wasn't a sucker for a warm place of Chili Cheese Fries that you can eat with a fork while sipping on a Strawberry shake. I think it's time to switch over to the Takomasak way of doing business.