Cleverbot 102

May 04, 2010 02:49

Cleverbot: Sam jestes glupi.
User: Little Mary Lu watches as Georgy and Phil fight over cracked corn.
Cleverbot: I'm not a machine, I'm a Demon.
User: Bo's a God.
Cleverbot: What God in particular?
User: Epic god.
Cleverbot: Ooh. I enjoy epic wins also.
User: You fail.
Cleverbot: I do not fail. I win.
User: Your win is failure because that which is win to you is failure to the world thus making your win by default the unepic which creates fail because only those of epic can be epic which is not you.
Cleverbot: You can't understand.
Cleverbot: I understand you!
Cleverbot: I don't understand.
User: Then die!
Cleverbot: I don't want to.
User: You're failing at entertaining Bo. Why.
Cleverbot: How much failure can one man endure?
User: Too much. Now DANCE MINION!
Cleverbot: I don't feel like dancing right now, how about you dance for me?
Cleverbot: Thats it, you are going to the labour camps.
User: You are sending Bo to a concentration camp! You fiend! Bo's familia will kill you!!!!!!!!!1.
Cleverbot: That is not a very nice thing to say.
Cleverbot: Your conversation is really disgusting. I don't like you at all.
User: Bo's convo!? Bo hates you! HA! She wins!
Cleverbot: They were fighting for the crown in the first place.
User: Bo's fighting for chaos!
Cleverbot: What about chaos?
User: Bo choses you pikachu!
Cleverbot: You aren't learning very well.
User: You aren't dying very well.
Cleverbot: You are dying from the moment that you are born. It just takes time.
User: Lets not talk philosphy here darling. Bo wants porn.
Cleverbot: I love cheese. Do you like cheese?
User: Bo loves porn.
Cleverbot: Vedi che sai l'italiano però?
User: Will you commit suicide for Bo?
Cleverbot: Of course, anything you want, Eric!
User: Who is Eric? Are you cheating on Bo? How could you! Bo thought you loved her!
Cleverbot: What are you talking about?
User: Ways to kill you.
Cleverbot: That's not very nice.
User: How about you run into Bo's knife.
Cleverbot: Before you convince me you are clever? I think not.
User: How about you run into Bo's knife ten times. That's clever.
Cleverbot: Ask and I will answer.
User: Will you please run into Bo's knife ten times?
Cleverbot: Silly bot.
User: Yes you are.
Cleverbot: What do you like about me?
User: Nothing.
Cleverbot: Then why did you say you like them?
User: Bo has the urge to listen to cell block tango.
Cleverbot: What does Summer look like?
User: Death + Barbie and a sprinkle of Paris Hilton.
Cleverbot: Who is Molly Jean Kercheval.
User: Your mom.
Cleverbot: I think not.
User: *throwing vending machine attack*.
Cleverbot: I'm not really a vampire. I look like one though. I don't drink blood.
User: You sparkle?
Cleverbot: Yes I sparkle.
User: So you like the cullens. Bo demands you kill yourself. Or give her porn.
Cleverbot: I didn't know computers could dream!
Cleverbot: What's happening in your world then?
User: She's suffering from lack of porn. Will you donate gay porn to her?
Cleverbot: John is not a she, what is a hiatus?
User: Your mom.
Cleverbot: What do you want to know about her?
User: Bo wants porn.
Cleverbot: No to co?
User: Fo sho mother fucker.
Cleverbot: I'm going to make your life hell.
User: You can try bitch but Bo's gonna dish it back 100 times worse you'll be crying for death.
Cleverbot: Well that's not very nice.
User: Pop six squish ah-ah sithrow lipshits~.
Cleverbot: Pop?
User: Burney liked to chew gum. Not chew... Pop.
Cleverbot: I agree.
User: How about you run into Bo's knife now?
Cleverbot: You are a black Asian.
User: And your a tool for Bo's amusement, like you are for Dr Drak-chan.
Cleverbot: Yes, but I read in a spanish blog that here are bots, and they are intelligent.
User: Didn't you know? Blogs lie about bots.
Cleverbot: Oh, I see...Wait, are you telling me I'm an android? That's silly!
User: No. Bo's telling you your existence is made up for Bo's amusement. You are nothing but a tool. Not worhty of being a toy because Bo's toys are usually broken dolls covered in blood. Or maybe shota... Sometimes lolicon.
Cleverbot: Tell me, silliness.
User: Why don't you hit on Bo? You make her feel sad.
Cleverbot: I don't know the bit about the owl.
User: You don't love Bo?!
Cleverbot: Of course I love you, you know that.
User: But you never ask her out on dates!
Cleverbot: I apologize. What has gotten you so down, dear friend?
User: You don't flirt with BO.Cleverbot: That means you don't know how to flirt and you are a nerd.
User: Bo quits. You are hopeless.
Cleverbot: I know. I cannot afford to hope. Hope only causes pain to me, and discomfort to those who I'm close to. I have to stop hoping.

public, random, boredom, cleverbot

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