Survey time!

Aug 29, 2006 09:54

This one I yanked from my journal over on Gotta love a place where people won't even read my rants. Heehee.

What's your name? Alayna Garrison

Age: Holy crap! I'm almost 18!

Marital status: I wish there was someone in my life right now...

Weight: How many quizzes are going to ask me this?

Where are you at the moment? Waiting for people to come online...

Any nicknames? Alaria, Kitten

Who do you like at the moment: I have a couple of people, but they don't really return my affections...

What are you eating/drinking at the moment? My tongue.

WHO DO YOU LIKE: I'm single, alright?

Your favorite song? Hall om Mig

Your favorite color(s)? Red, Gold, Silver, Black, white.

Your least favorite color(s)? Ummmm.... bright, pepto-bismol pink, or neon pink...

Someone you can't live without? All my friends. Mainly Keiji though. He's my brother.

Something you can't live without? MY BOOKS! If I couldn't read anything, I think I would die.

A show you have to watch? Class of the Titans

Song you are listening to at the moment? Hmmm... I don't know what it's called, it's on a filk tape.

Do you have a hero? Keiji, my brother, is my hero. I don't need to tell him what to do, since we're so close now.

Something that means alot to you? Hmmmm... My brother and quasi-boyfriend, Joey.

Your favorite smilee on msn? my personal emoticon: XD

Sooo, who do you like? >>

If you could bring someone back to life, who would it be? I would like to see Jeff again, but I know that human alchemy is against the laws of equivilent exchange. I won't risk it.

Hottest person you've ever seen? Several people.

What's the best smell on someone of the opposite sex? Freshly washed hair.

What turns you on? Hot accent, mainly british and austrailian accents.

Name 2 things you don't like about yourself? My weight and my voice.

What's more important to you??

Looks or personality? Personality. So much hotter than looks. Though, if someone has like... a serious case of acne, there's no way I'm dating them.

Music or TV? Music is so much more insperational.

Friends or Lovers? Both actually. If you are in love, then good for you. Friends will support you as will a lover.

Friends or family? Both. See above answer.

Losin your virginity to someone whos mad hot or
someone that you like alot? Ummmm.... someone who you like alot, though I wouldn't know...

Parties or night out wit your friends? Friends, all the way... cuz at parties, you can get drunk, then someone can rape you!! Don't go to parties! Parties are evil... unless you're at a party with your friends. Hmmm... interesting delemma...

Love or money? Love.

Food or dignity? Foood!!

Sex or cuddling: Ummm, cuddling...

Punk or rap? Eeeew... crap is crap... Punk sucks too, but it's better than that crap.

Someone that can turn you on easily or someone that can make you laugh? Someone who can make me laugh. Jokes can be as much of a turn on as hotness.

Snow sports or water sports? Water... I try to stay inside as much as possible during the winter... Though I do like skiiing.

Getting stoned or getting drunk? Stoned is not fun...

Someone that dresses skimpy or someone that dresses normal ? Normal! I'm sorry, but some people I know dress skimpy... and do I have to mention Man-Faye?

If you were to die tomorrow, name 3 things you would do? Well, if getting teleporting powers were part of this, I would go kiss Joey and Keiji, kick DV in the ass, and hug Nicole. All this for supporting me.

If you could see someone right now, who would it be? Either Joey or Keiji.

If you had anything to tell anyone knowing you would die tomorrow, what would it be? "Please, don't grieve too long. You guys have a life. Mine was just cut shorter than yours."

How many times a day, around, do you think of something dirty? Suprising enough, I don't anymore. Or at least I don't notice it.

What's the best quality on someone of the other sex? You can learn alot of stuff about someone by looking in their eyes.

Any last words??? Hmmmmmm... nope.

what's under your bed: Pffft. The floor.

what time did you wake up today: 9:30am

current hair: dyed black

current clothes: bra and skirt... it's summer, I tell you!

current annoyance: Nothing. Well, other than the fact that I want it to be november already. Damn writing bug!

current longing: For more NOVEMBER!!

current favorite music artist: None.

current worry: That I won't finish my novel.

current hate: Nothing.

current favorite articles of clothing: None.

favorite physical feature on a boy: eyes.

i am happiest when: Talking to Joey.

if you could live anywhere in the world, where: England... then I could be closer to Joey.


do you have any regret: Nope ^_^

sex or love: Love.

favorite smell: popcorn... or baking cookie smells...

what makes you mad: Bitches at my school.

favorite way to waste time: reading and listening to music... or writing... and roleplayin XD

best quality: Ummmm...

are in currently in love/lust: Yes.

what's the craziest thing you have ever done: Getting stoned.

do you find it hard to trust people: Yes, I've had my trust broken several times...

last thing you bought yourself: a backpack

bath or shower: Bath... just soak away your worries...

favorite season: Summer! I didn't get to see Willow... fudgsicles!

favorite color: Black, red, gold, silver, white.

favorite time of day: Night. I get to do naughty things without my parents looking over my shoulder then ^_^

gold or silver: both.

do you wear a watch:. I used to, but then I started babysitting and had to take it off.

do your friends know everything about you: If they did, I would probably have to do something about it.

last book you read: Hmmmm... Steel City Magic.

last movie you saw: Labirynth.

last movie you saw on the big screen: Hmmmm... I don't know, it's been a while.

last song you heard: Firebird by someone.

last time you showered: Yesterday morning. i'll have another one this afternoon.

last time you smiled: Last night.

last time you laughed: Yesterday. I was roleplaying with DV.

last person you hugged: I pounced on a bunch of people... does that count?

((( DO YOU )))

smoke: Ew?

do drugs: Gross.

drink: I wish.

have sex: Cybering, maybe.

sleep with stuffed animal: Sometimes.

believe in miracles: Yes.

consider yourself tolerant: Not towards bitches and assholes.

like the taste of alchohol: Yes.

believe in magic: Yes. And damned proud of it.

have any secrets: Everyone has secrets.

have any piercings: They kept getting infected...

have any tattoos: I want a tattoo...

hate yourself: Yea.

believe in witches: Some people call me a witch.

believe in ghosts: Yes. I wish my house was haunted so I can see one.

Wow... a lot of things have changed in the past year. Woohoo.
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