been a while huh?

May 17, 2005 14:41

yeah so I've been busy

extremely busy

Planning a mini wedding and taking care of two loverly kids is very hard work.

Right so down to buisness,  Jason and I shall be wed in a couple of days (probably)


Hermione is still in la-la land, memory loss, and nobody has a fecking clue how that happened

Captian Ferret, Draco, is now on the top of my 'Kill' list....Voldemort fell right down to number two.

And to top that all mum found out whats been going on at school....can someone say OH SHIT!!!!

I can in five diffrent languages

wanna see the owl she sent, oh no a howler would be too good for me so she sends me this letter in red ink to make me feel bad.

Kelly Azrael Juilette Casandra Black,

I'm not going to come into the school like a mad woman and hit you with coat hangers, I'm going to be straight forward and get to the point. Your now a mother....congrats.....I hope you can finally know how I felt raising you. Those two children, all their little wrath, is the equivalint of you at their age and up. I hope you get tourtured enough that you scream! And when your daughter comes to you, or like yourself just have the Headmaster to to me...send you a letter that she's pregnant and she's keeping the children at only 16,  I hope you have enough will like I do to not bash her head into a fucking wall! I hope your happy.....never come in my house again.

Best Wishes On your New Life,

Hera Jessebella Keria Gillian Zawislack-Black

Cant you just feel the love in that letter?

I have a reeeeeealy long middle name, it goes on for quite a while so I guess she stuck to three.

Well thats really it,


<3's Kelly

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