Jun 04, 2006 20:53
Type your cut contents here.
TEN people you enjoy spending time with:
NINE things I'm wearing:
-white tee
-left septum ball
-right septum ball
EIGHT things on my Mind:
SEVEN things I Touch everyday:
-my hair
-my face
-cell phone
-my dick
SIX things I Do everyday:
-get ready for the day
-be fucking bored
FIVE things I want to Do before I die:
-maryy a girl and keep her
-own a massive amount of coke
-another robot
-be in love
-open the gates of hell in kennys yard
FOUR things I will Never do:
-take it in the butt
-cry over dre
-be some girls bitch
-go to heaven
THREE things I Do when I wake up:
-take my pills
-yell at my dad
-scratch at my wall
TWO of my favorite foods:
-cheese cake
ONE person I love more than any other:
1. the devil