All I wanted was a little support, instead of rubbing my face in the dirt.

Apr 25, 2004 01:43

Yeah, I haven't updated in quite a while - laziness. Anyways, I went to a friend's surprise party today, it was quite fun - Ryan happened to have his bass and amp from his show yesterday and Ethan used Matt's guitar and amp and they just jammed in his room. Lots of good food and I saw plenty of people I haven't seen in years so that's always fun, plus new people. Anyways, I'm going to Nashville in JUST UNDER A WEEK for competition!! Holy shit! I still can't believe I'm going but I'll make the best of it. This year is going by fast which is great because I just can't stand school anymore, summer needs to hurry its ass up as if Satan himself threatened to whip its ass if it didn't show up like the lazy ass that summer is. Plus, summer is being cut short this year which really sucks. Apparantly it's so the schools can start practicing on FCAT earlier. All I have to say is if you can't pass the FCAT the first time, this page is for you: So yeah, I'm going to go to sleep and hopefully start doing my homework for Monday.

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