Where is your boy tonight? I hope he is a gentleman. Maybe he won't find out what I know.

Mar 09, 2004 21:07

Man oh man, just when I thought that workload couldn't possibly get higher, teachers manage to pull it off. Right now I'm writing notes for a quiz on chapter 32 for tomorrow, then I have to start notes on chapter 33 for a quiz on thursday, then I have to study for a unit test for friday, all in one damn class (AP world history). I am so fucking stressed. Oh yeah, the other day my bus got into an accident. The driver missed the turn in a neighborhood, and decided to back up - right into another car. I swear I thought the lady was going to get crushed and die, but she was fine. Part of the hood was underneath the bus, and the other part of the hood was like a mountain..sort of. We were all fine, but I think my driver got fired (I didn't ride the bus today so I'll find out for sure tomorrow) which sucks because he was really cool - he even called me Jiggy Fly (from the geico commercial). But yeah, FCAT is finally over except for the stupid NRT tomorrow. The only bright side to FCAT is that we get out of 2 classes and the rest of the classes are much shorter. Anyways yeah, I jsut wanted to blow off a little steam, I'm gonna get back to my notes - save me.

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