Completely Necessary?

Jan 22, 2009 18:12

As many of you know, I am all alone for 7 of the 8 hours in my shift. Normally this is not a problem for me because I know how to amuse myself alone. However on Thursday afternoons I would kill my own grandmother to have some company. Because Thursday afternoons we get our clean bar towels delivered and our dirty bar towels are taken away. The man who does this is named Cristino. Cristino is from some South American country, I forget which. But he does have a very thick Spanish speaker's accent. Anyway, he also has a porn star mustache and whatever. He's always been exceptionally nice to me and I've been polite and warm back to him, because that is just the type of person I am.

At some point in November or December he started taking my hand and kissing the back of it. Sure it made me a little uncomfortable but it was pretty harmless and I figured it was just a cultural thing, so I let it slide. But around New Year's Eve the hugging began. At first it was just a hug and a "Thank you for being so kind to me." and even that was a bit much. But now he's started saying that he worries all week that I'm not going to be at work and he gets *so* happy when he walks into Plush and I'm there. And he's constantly thanking me for being nice. The hugs progressed from hugs to huuuugs complete with back rubbing and heavy breathing and neck kissing. This part has got to be the worst, it makes me very very very uncomfortable and it's not just like a quick peck, it's many. I know I've been italicizing a lot in this entry, but believe me, I want no one reading this to underestimate the gravity of the situation.

Anyway, he comes in today and I'm behind the counter and he comes up to the front to talk to me. I'm thinking "Heck yea! If I don't come out from behind here, he can't sexually harass me! Woot!" but just at that moment the dude from our security company showed up to pick up a check. In retrospect I should have quietly asked him to stay so I could have an excuse to get away from Cristino. So I wind up walking him to the back door as we're talking and, yup, there's Cristino, basically waiting for me to come back and I'm just like "Well, shit." So I get dragged into conversation with him. There is hugging, hand kissing, neck kissing, and a new addition to the routine: AN ATTEMPTED MOUTH KISS. I had to turn my head away. Twice. Afterwards, he told me that his company informed him that they're going to be changing his route and after next week he might not be coming back to Plush. Rest assured tomorrow I am going to be giving them a call to demand he be taken off our stop and I'm switching shifts with any of my girls next Thursday so hopefully today will have been our last painfully uncomfortable encounter. Honestly, I worry about that man's mental status. He literally was tearing up when he was telling me he might not see me again after next week. Like, I appreciate people as much as the next...person. But come the fuck on. Getting that attached to someone who you only have small talk with like 5 minutes once a week? That's wacky. That's a sign of something a little askew in the brain noodle.

sexual harassment, awkward moments, linens

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