(no subject)

Aug 13, 2006 17:04

[A is for age]
ooooooooooh 20

[B is for booze of choice]
um... not too sure. possibly i've been ordering beer lately. but i don't think i like it very much. i love gin and tonics at the moment. and beav's strawberry daquiris [sp??] are LOVE.

[C is for career:]
i want a shop. i've decided.

[D is for your drug of choice]
of anything i've had [which isn't much] i like coke. it felt amazing but didn't send me silly to the point where i couldn't do stuff.

[E is for one essential item you use everyday]

[F is for favorite song at the moment:]
billy joel - only the good die young. and ALL THIS LOVE by the similou. and rock and roll queen by the subways <3

[G is for favorite game:]
that rally shit on my phone

[H is for Hometown:]
geelong :-(

[I is for instruments you play:]
ha ha ha

[J is for favorite juice?:]
ha ha that green one that looks like shit but is AMAZING. emma and tom <3 <3

[K is for kids?:]
the only  kids i'm ever around are the ones who belong to people i've kissed. it's pretty fucked up. i want one so i can name it though. and i think maybe i would like having kids around sometimes. i'm just scared i'd fuck up looking after it.

[L is for last hug:]
not too sure. depends if i hugged people on sat night. if not - then it was actually farrel when i left on friday night. aw <3

[M is for marriage]
i want the ring

[N is for nickname:]

[O is for overnight hospital stays:]
only one - when i was born baby.

[P is for phobia's:]
the backs of earrings scare me. same with sharks.

[Q is for quote:]
"babe, someone's spiked my drink" ;-) and "...but it's just a rumour" TOO FUNNY.  but i think the best was "sandy, i think i lost my virginity last night. i'm hoping it's in the cloak room. and jae broke her shoes. and someone broke her hymen. rough night!" hahaha

[R is for biggest regret]
not knowing when to walk away. BUT am also glad in some ways that i hung around so... not too sure.

[S is for singing:]
too hard. though i'll have a croon when i'm para. HALL AND OATES HALL AND OATES HALL AND OATES. he he

[T is for time you woke up:]
ha ha i got up about 10:00 and went and got the phone... then laid in bed and called laurie till about 11:00 or something then i had a shower and possibly went bck to bed till about 2:30... but it's just a rumour ;-)

[U is for underwear:]
ha ha none at the moment!

[V is for vegetable you love:]
oooooooooh mushrooms <3 except when i think they're anchovies... he he.

[W is for worst habit]
hugging people when i'm para. i can't stop touching people!

[X is for x-rays you've got:]
teeth and wrist

[Y is for yummy food you make]
wedges HA HA.

[Z is for zodiac sign:]
leo ;-)
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